ASUS q504u replaced shorted motherboard now no touch screen

  1. Posts : 1,257
    win10 PRO on 5 PC's and Linux mint

    ASUS q504u replaced shorted motherboard now no touch screen

    the video cable had failed, so needed replacing
    So in replacing it, I accidently shorted the MB
    I bought a replacement motherboard and it works again, except for now no touch screen

    I dont understand, did ALL q504u type laptops all have the touch screen or just most or some of them?
    Looking at display manager it just says generic display monitor.

    Is it a driver issue?
    Is it somehow the a non touch screen motherboard?
    Is it the digitizer cable?

    This is my daughters and I really wanted to fix it.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I looked into this, and device manager does not see the HID digitizer, so I think the digitizer cable and board are bad, will order one.
    The motherboard I put in is a q504uak, and it is a touch screen motherboard.

    - - - Updated - - -

    What is interesting is they dont login to an ms account on this laptop afaik, they use a password. When i started up windows 10 home, the only message was their is a problem with your account, so I then logged in with their ms account which uses a different password.
    Then when I checked activation, it is activated fine.
    For an oem version. I had been thinking would have to call MS and haggle-explain-beg over the replacement motherboard.
    since it is the exact same motherboard design, maybe those motherboard serial numbers dont matter for activation on laptops.
    posting screen shot
    ASUS q504u replaced shorted motherboard now no touch screen-image.png

    - - - Updated - - -

    ASUS q504u replaced shorted motherboard now no touch screen-image.png
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,257
    win10 PRO on 5 PC's and Linux mint
    Thread Starter

    well, no luck, replaced digitizer cable and board, but still no touch screen.
    it could be the digitizer itself is bad, but dont plan to spend more money finding out it still is broken.
    I just dont have the knowledge or experience to say for sure what is wrong with it.

    digitizer and its cable is separate from lcd screen and its cable, the digitizer sits on top of the screen.
    Last edited by sdowney717; 14 Mar 2021 at 18:03.
      My Computer


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