Ultra mobile SSHD disk

  1. Posts : 24
    win 10

    Ultra mobile SSHD disk

    Hello guys,
    yesterday I had a laptop in my hands with HDD and I migrated OS and documents to a new SSD disk in order to boost performance. And indeed, the owner was pretty happy after trying "modernized" laptop.

    However I noticed that previous drive was not HDD but Seagate SSHD drive with 8 GB NAND. The laptop is about 5 years old.
    Since, windows 10 was installed (upgraded from original windows 8) and installation is likely bigger than 20 GB, I really wonder if the user could notice improved performance over classical HDD.

    Did anyone have experience with SSHD drives? I really wonder if they were noticeably faster than for example WD Black HDD.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 24,927
    Win 10 Home ♦♦♦19045.5487 (x64) [22H2]

    WD Black's are pretty fast. An SSHD with a decent HDD, would probably be faster.
    But... it all depends on the HDD they started with, when they made the SSHD.

    An SSD is way faster than an SSHD.

    IF, you're asking if it would be good to keep the SSHD for your own use...
    I'd would say, sell it and get a WD Black.
    Among other things the WD Blacks have a 5 year warranty.

    Generally, SSHDs were wimpy HDDs... like 5400 rpm, which is why they added the NAND.

    Also, keep in mind that SSDs are really cheap these days.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 24
    win 10
    Thread Starter

    Yes, thank you for advice. I wanted to learn how these 8 GB NAND flash (very fast memory) speed up a computer, when windows installation was bigger than that. Is this memory used as a buffer, cache or something similar?

    But, I'll obtain WD black for my own purpose.
      My Computer


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