Reinstall Windows 10 on C: killed my Storage Space

  1. Posts : 1
    windows 10

    Reinstall Windows 10 on C: killed my Storage Space

    My "C" Drive crashed. Purchased a new one and Installed a clean Windows 10 Pro. When I search for my Storage Space, which was my work Drive with a lot of recent data, it was not displayed in Explorer. I can see the Drives in Disk Management just fine. They are listed as Storage Pool. Here is a list of Steps that led me to this issue:

    1. My Main C: crashed and needed to be replaced. So, I replaced it and reinstalled Windows 10 Pro.
    2. When I was done installing Windows, I connected the two Drives that are part of the Storage Pool.
    3. They were not visible anywhere, except in Disk Management, where they are listed simply as Storage Pool. I am not sure if that is the RAW definition that I read in the articles.
    Reinstall Windows 10 on C: killed my Storage Space-698135ac-afe0-45de-8adc-438bf745ec36.png

    4. After seeing them on Disk Manager, I launched the Storage App and did not see any activity. so, I tried to create a Pool. I received a message stating that there are no available Disks that can be added.
    Reinstall Windows 10 on C: killed my Storage Space-d0535679-a038-492c-9ad4-a927864c7693.png

    I launched PowerShell and ran some search calls"
    Reinstall Windows 10 on C: killed my Storage Space-2e1896d5-a24d-4871-8771-e08d4c76cd9c.png
    Drives #2 & 3 are the Storage Pool Drives.
    Technically, my Storage Pool Drives did not fail. Only the Windows OS drive failed and needed to be replaced. there must be a way to get the OS to recognize the drives so the Pool can be reinitiated. I think PowerShell has some process, I just don't trust myself with experimenting and delete something.

    This is my Windows 10 Information:

    Reinstall Windows 10 on C: killed my Storage Space-annotation-2021-02-26-121947.png

    Is there any way to get them reactivated and get my Storage Pool back up without damaging my Stored Data?
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Reinstall Windows 10 on C: killed my Storage Space-7dc3ad1f-6272-42ec-9c1a-a1784e434cde.png  
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 45,455
    Win 10 Pro (22H2) (2nd PC is 22H2)

    Hi, your difficulty- transferring a storage space from one installation to another- is one that has been seen before. However I'm not aware of anything positive that shows this can be done reliably or achievably.

    See e.g. post #1 and related thread:
    Create a New Pool and Storage Space in Windows 10

    Unresolved thread:
    Transfer Storage Pool from one installation to another
      My Computers


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