Change 'Device not recognised' timeout?
I have several external USB3 drives, mains AC powered, which I use regularly; there are not enough USB ports on my PC to plug them all in directly, (and the access to the USB ports is impossible anyway without my shifting furniture every time), so I connect them via a hub, which is also mains AC powered.
When I want to use one of the drives, turning on its mains supply, then pressing its switch on the hub (which is individually switched for each port), I am invariably informed, after several seconds, that Windows (10 Pro) has not recognised the device. After a little longer however, it usually shows up OK in the 'This PC' window...
Been trying to find an entry in the registry that will extend the time before the 'Device not recognised' message comes up, but so far (Googling, searching the registry) but no luck.. anyone able to help with that please?