Good morning, Steve.
I promised som test results today about LaCie (G:).
1. After disconnecting and restarting the system G: is still shown in explorer, but files can not be accessed.
2. With all 3 external drives connected to the PC the system did not start. I disconnected G: and it started again.
3. After disconnecting Verbatim and Seagate and restarting the system LaCie was still there...
This is more an irritation than a real problem if it does not generate any strange issues later on. So it would be good to find out way it does not disappear. Renaming the disk in Disk Management would probably not make any difference as the disk is "still there" when it is disconnected...
I opened the User Manual for MR yesterday. I expected 30-40 pages, but there was more than 500. This clearly indicates that it is really a complete program with all kinds of features that I will never ned - or want. A tool for real professionals.
I am still confused about incremental versus differential backup. What is right if I want to copy all changes since last run - changed documents, new documents, modified pictures, new pictures, new program installation etc., not to forget deleted files and programs and program updates?
No rush to reply, Steve, as I have a few other things to take care today as well.
Fix Windows 10 1803 Update New Full Drive creation - Spiceworks do this for the Lazy drive letter only
Thanks, mate, for your instant reply. I am just wondering when do you sleep as your lokal time is in the middle of the night...
I was reading and learning more about the two different backup metods. As inremental consists of many files which all need to be intact in case of a recovery process there will be a problem if one file is missing or damaged. I therefore believe that differential backup is the metod that is my my best choice. And MR can do that with the free licence.
I read the fix procedure for LaCie. I don't have a problem with "full disk" warning but as it also remove "ghost" disks is is probably the way to do it. I will do that. I just wonder if G: or E: and F: need to be connected during the process. No, does not make scene... But why do you think my PC did not start with all tre disks connected. Did the USB ports together require too much current power or was is processing lack of power. The control light on the disks were on so perhaps the system started in the background but did not light the screen..? No. really, I don't have a clue, just unqualified speculations...
Good to see you've made progress with MR reading.
I would just try get rid of the drive letter with no external USB attached.
Yes, I will try to do that. I also have Paragon Disk manager on the system since yesterday so I will let that take look as well.
Yes, I am still in the process of reading about MR as well as Paragon Backup and Recovery which has a free licence offering o both incremental and differentiell backups. Looks very easy to use and is explained in Swedish by the computer magazine PC-Tidningen. Probably and alternative to MR... But I will keep on reading about MR.
- - - Updated - - -
No, the Paragon Hard Disk Manager did not see the LaCie...
- - - Updated - - -
Steve, I have downloaded MR and briefly gone through the the first 160 pages of the user manual. The more I look at it the more clear it becomes to me that this is nothing but a high end product which I would like to have - and understand how to use correctly. For the moment, however, I just have to realise and accept my disability to do that. Therefore I have downloaded Paragon Backup & Recovery witch I will temporarily use while I study MR and learning more about it. When I am ready, I will change to MR.
This will be my last post for today. I hope all is well with you and wish you a pleasant Saturday evening.
See you...![]()
Whatever works for you is fine. I've never read the MR manual, no need to do after watching tutorials and just trying it and googling for answers if I have a question. Take care.![]()
Good morning, Steve. Another day with new challenges and solutions...
I was reading about how to resolve the LaCie disk as well as getting some additional discoveries when I was looking what was going on in the Device Manager. When I disconnect the drive it disappear in DM.
1. More confusing, though, the disk name was not La Cie, it was Hitachi.
2. Explorer can not open the files when the disk is USB connected, but in another PC it works OK.
Reading the "how to fix"-link you sent me makes me wonder if this fix procedure is applicable in my case as I have always installed the latest Windows updates. That tells me that the Version 1803 bug was fixed by Microsoft in later releases and should not (?) occur now. This is not a full disk warning error message and the disk has the letter G which I gave it when we fixed the USB ports.
I don't feel comfortable trying this fix as I am afraid I will get problems with Verbatim and Seagate again...
I will now start the backup process so I don't know if I can use the PC under that process...
Hello Tore,
Often fixing things involves trying things. If you are not comfortable with the suggested fix to try and I'm not familiar with the problem to say xyz is a solution, then I can't really help you further with that issue.
Hitachi may be the drive maker as Lazy probably doesn't manufacture their own HDDs.
You probably can use the PC while it's making backups. The way I make backups, I boot into MR exclusively and only MR is running. It takes around 15-20 minutes depending on which PC I'm backup up. You could try this method by making a MR Rescue USB from within the MR app, then you would boot your PC from the USB drive and boot into MR and make the backup that way.
But I think for now and to keep things simple, you can just make the backup from MR running from within Windows - and I would suggest not using the PC during that time so MR can finish its business possibly faster and uninterrupted.
Take care![]()