Lower case s not working on my keyboard
very strange thing happened a few days ago, the lower case s stopped working on my keyboard, I could get every other key, inc Uppercase S.
I tried the usual, uninstall drivers etc, ( found there were 2 keyboards listed ? Uninstalled both, but they both came back ) then took the KB apart and washed the plastic keys....put it together and the lower case s worked fine, sorted, or so I thought, then it stopped working again, assumed it was a hardware fault and bought a new MS keyboard, plugged it in and ALL the keys worked perfectly, until this evening, when the lower case s stopped working again...OMG I couldn’t believe it. found an article on the Internet that said I should turn OFF sticky keys, didn’t even know it was on ( maybe default ? ) anyway uninstalled both keyboards again, as per the procedure and now the lower case s key is working again, for now anyway.....any ideas what’s been happening ???