Laptop battery not charging since Windows update

  1. Posts : 3
    Windows 10

    Laptop battery not charging since Windows update

    Last October, my laptop installed a Windows update, and after that, my laptop battery would not charge when plugged in. I tried this fix which worked. However, the next time I restarted my computer, the battery would not charge again. Annoying, but not a huge problem.

    But now the battery has run down to 0%, which means every time I put my laptop to sleep, it shuts down due to the lack of battery power, which is a problem. I tried the fix linked to above, but it didn't work. Can anyone help?

    I am using Windows 10, Version 1903.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 264
    Windows 10

    How old is your laptop?
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 3
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    xaccell said:
    How old is your laptop?
    It's about 4 years old now.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 264
    Windows 10

    If you havenīt change the battery, it is completely normal that it canīt hold a charge now. It is long overdue.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 1,807
    Windows 10 Pro 21H1 19043.1348

    xaccell said:
    If you havenīt change the battery, it is completely normal that it canīt hold a charge now. It is long overdue.

    I have a 10 year-old Dell laptop battery that still charges and holds a charge for a short time. This Dell also makes me jump hoops to keep the battery charging. The charging fixes I've used seem short lived after system restarts and I'm back to "Plugged in and not charging" notifications. I try to always keep it above 75%.
    Last edited by W10 Tweaker; 12 Feb 2020 at 07:44.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 3
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    xaccell said:
    If you havenīt change the battery, it is completely normal that it canīt hold a charge now. It is long overdue.
    I guess that could be it - it just seems a bit strange that it was working perfectly fine, and then one day I installed the Windows update, and when I next started my computer this problem with the battery was present.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 17,089
    Windows 10 Home x64 Version 22H2 Build 19045.4894

    teatime45 said:
    Last October, my laptop installed a Windows update, and after that, my laptop battery would not charge when plugged in. I tried this fix which worked. However, the next time I restarted my computer, the battery would not charge again.
    The sudden onset of your problem indicates that it is a real problem and not a fading battery issue.

    Have you installed every hardware update & bios update HP provided? It could well be that updated Windows 10 versions are not fully conpatible with your older drivers.
    - Go to the HP website and look for the lalest drivers & bios for your model
    - Search HP support for guidance
    - Search the HP user forums for guidance

      My Computer

  8. Posts : 1,807
    Windows 10 Pro 21H1 19043.1348

    As Denis mentioned, updating the bios and drivers might be a solution to your charging problem and is certainly a good place to start. My Dell laptop has always been a PITA to maintain charging on the battery ever since it was a few years old. POS thing!

    As the battery aged the condition just got worse even with Windows 7. After a clean install of Windows 10 last Fall, I've never managed to maintain charging without playing games by removing the battery, boot and shutdown with only AC adapter, re-install battery and boot.

    I've read endless solutions for this problem and many of them seem to focus on disabling and re-enabling the AC Adapter and ACPI - Compliant Control in the device manager or some suggest uninstalling both and allowing Windows to re-install after a reboot. I have yet to try those solutions.

    Laptop battery not charging since Windows update-0212-microsoft-ac-adapter.jpg

    I've been unable to locate any Dell specific drivers for these 2 devices and I suspect for at least my Dell charging grief, that is the root cause of it "Plugged in, not Charging".

    Laptop battery not charging since Windows update-0212-microsoft-ac-adapter-driver.jpg

    It does appear that these 2 drivers are generic Microsoft drivers as the dates are same on both my old Dell and current MSI laptop. I'll keep experimenting on my Dell laptop whenever I have time and report back if I locate a stable solution.
      My Computer


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