Right it's the storage one, thankfully the SSD is fine, then again SSD is less than 2 months old so better be fine lol. Formatting Flash drive currently, then hopefully all is fine when thats done haha. So much steps to do, but just will have to take time, and do 1 by one
Fixed!! Solved after full Hard drive wipe with Western Digitals Software/full format
Showing Good in HD Sential and Crystal Disk info now
Restored from Within Windows as second storage drive!!, thankfully that worked, now to sort out USB rescue disk problems, but at least main problem solved
Glad to hear that. The Reallocation Event Count shows that no sectors needed reallocating, so they were all good sectors after all.
Yeah i guess i just used it to hard maybe lol, with what i don't know lol, as all i do lately is a little One Drive Uploads lol
i'll check it again in a weeks time--hopefully stays good now
I wouldn't trust any har drive showing a yellow sign in CrystalDiskInfo! It means it has started to failed. It should be all green and good. You could still use it, perhaps for months or years. but it is telling you is getting bad already.
Well so far still showing Good on all drives connected currently, Will keep eye on it, and when i get some money in future i may replace it in the future, being that was my only other internal drive, besides my Samsung 250GB boot SSD, this one i wanted fixed til at least i have money in future to purchase a newer one.
Will keep strict eye on it, make sure i backup weekly, about all i can do
The Current Pending Sector Count is an exception, in that it is not confirmed as being correct until the drive has been formatted and has re-tested those sectors.
If the drive was really failing the sectors would be reallocated and added to the Reallocated Sector Count, that one is a strong indication of imminent failure. If the sectors are tested and found to be good then the pending sector count is cleared as having been a 'false positive'. In that case the yellow warning will return to a blue 'healthy' indicator.