Hi there
I think that's BAD ADVICE -- a 64 bit capable CPU will run W10 easily on 3GB RAM -- also by having a higher than 4GB address space (max in 32 bit OS) the system can make use of a lot more "Virtual storage and paging" even if physical RAM not available and that's usually fine unless running bonkersly large applications and loads concurrently-- especially if you install an SSD --that's a much better idea than 32 bit OS on 64 bit capable machine.
The other issue is that on a 64 Bit processor the Windows 32 bit instructions have to be "Translated" in the CPU with the result that some machine instructions (at the processor micro code level) can take MUCH LONGER to execute.
So STICK with 64 Bit OS and fit SSD. !!!
Also have a look in the thread on Running W10 on really old hardware !! -- in any case with 64 bit stuff your driver issues are solved.
Last edited by jimbo45; 27 Jan 2020 at 08:44.