Oldies: what is best Display Driver & Setting for Q35 chipset E8400?

  1. Posts : 432
    Windows 10 1803

    Oldies: what is best Display Driver & Setting for Q35 chipset E8400?

    I have several HP and one Dell with the Q35 chipset and E8400 C2D, and only one of them ever 'looked' decent via onboard graphics on an average monitor. Another serves as a workstation in kitchen, with a Radeon 5450 card SSD lots of mem, looks terrific thanks to the card, and another is my server, RAID mirrored. Now I have a Dell version setting up for another user - Does anyone here have a particular graphics driver version that seemed to solve some of the onboard gpu ugly display characteristics? and at what settings?

    This one is running ver 1909 build 18363.535 if it matters. The Windows catalog-provided display driver is date 10/1/12

    all tips appreciated.

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 11,246
    Windows / Linux : Arch Linux

    Hi there


    The only sensible answer to this is what your own eyes see. These days Monitors should have a decent refresh rate -- even "El Cheapo" graphic cards are capable of decent video --- Note here I'm not addressing this remark to those who want intensive 3-D manipulation or inveterate dedicated gamers.

    If you need any sort of graphics "de-uglification" on "Normal systems" -- either wrong refresh rate set or your Monitor is no-good. --Often you can improve graphics by using the Hardware video / monitor settings via a handset rather than using Windows software.

      My Computer

  3. Posts : 3,620
    Windows 10 Pro 64-bit 21H1 (May 2021 build 19043.1083)


    I would make sure to set the resolution to the native (maximum supported) by the monitor. A 19" 4:3 monitor typically supports 1280x1024@60Hz for example. Google your model to see the specs. Once you have done that, also press the "Auto" button on the monitor to self-adjust and improve the image.
      My Computer


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