Optical Drive Issue

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  1. Posts : 1,801
    10 Home 64-bit | v22H2 | Build - 19045.3930

    Hi Bill; Yep, That may be the better way to go than the Tutorial I offered. Thanks for the suggestion!

    Hi Jerry; Before you try: Option two in Bills suggestion you'll need to revert all your changes, and going back to Option one step three of my tutorial it says:
    3.) To remove items from the "Send to" context menu, right click or press and hold on a shortcut of the item you want to remove in this SendTo folder, and click/tap on Delete.
    Then try option two, link is above.

      My Computers

  2. Posts : 87
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    Hello Anak –

    I hope I am responding to the correct person.

    First, I don’t understand why I would delete any valid names currently in my “Send to” listing. How would I ever get them back?

    Second, working in the Register will be a challenge for me. I am having trouble with the DWORD and where and how to use it.

    For example Step 2 of Option 2 says,


    I’m not sure what I should do with that statement. I am trying to look up resources on this. I don’t know if you can supply any “hand holding” steps on the steps to take.

    After posting I did get this far in the Registry. See Screenshot 21

    Optical Drive Issue-screenshot-21-.png
    Last edited by Jerry8A; 24 Jan 2020 at 15:23.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 1,801
    10 Home 64-bit | v22H2 | Build - 19045.3930

    Hello Anak –

    I hope I am responding to the correct person.

    First, I don’t understand why I would delete any valid names currently in my “Send to” listing. How would I ever get them back?

    Second, working in the Register will be a challenge for me. I am having trouble with the DWORD and where and how to use it.
    Hi Jerry,

    You are.

    I only meant any Op drives that you have added so they don't conflict with using the new tutorial that Bill supplied. But on second look it doesn't look like you would need to because the reg file you D/L is only a modifier to allow drives everywhere.
    You would get them back by using the tutorial that I supplied and re-create the shortcuts to add to the 'Send to' menu.

    That's the beauty of the batch file D/L's that Brink supplies, the user doesn't have to mess with manual changes to the registry. When you or anyone else that uses one of Brinks D/L's all you need to do is D/L the file to your dsktp and when ready you rt. clk the file and then click on Merge and the file which is a batch file makes the changes automatically. If you wanted to see what is in one of those D/L's, rt. clk on it and then clk on edit, but don't mess with it or you'll have problems when you go to merge it.

    That screenshot you supplied; Did you make any changes or did you just have a look see to see what was at the Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer location?

      My Computers

  4. Posts : 87
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    Hi Steve –

    First, I did not make any changes to the Screenshot I supplied.
    You said, “If you wanted to see what is in one of those D/L's, rt. clk on it and then clk on edit, but don't mess with it or you'll have problems when you go to merge it.”

    I wasn’t sure what download tab to click on. I did do a right click on the Download tab in Screenshot 22, but there was no Edit option.

    Screenshot 22 (number 2) shows a Download tab.

    Is my next step to click on that tab? If so, what will I see and what would I do next?

    JerryOptical Drive Issue-screenshot-22-.png
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 45,318
    Windows 10 Home 22H2

    If you want to add drive for all users

    Optical Drive Issue-clipboard02.jpg

    If only for your particular user

    Optical Drive Issue-clipboard01.jpg

    Once you double click on a downloaded reg file, it will ask if you want to continue, choose yes and it will give you a success confirmation. Restart Explorer, or just restart your PC. See if the drives are back on the RT click context menu

    A Guy
      My Computers

  6. Posts : 1,801
    10 Home 64-bit | v22H2 | Build - 19045.3930

    Jerry8A said:
    Hi Steve –
    Hi Jerry.

    Jerry8A said:
    First, I did not make any changes to the Screenshot I supplied.
    That's good, I was hoping you didn't.
    Jerry8A said:
    You said, “If you wanted to see what is in one of those D/L's, rt. clk on it and then clk on edit, but don't mess with it or you'll have problems when you go to merge it.”

    I wasn’t sure what download tab to click on. I did do a right click on the Download tab in Screenshot 22, but there was no Edit option.
    There wouldn't be as that is only a link button with link 'actions' assigned to it. You wouldn't see the edit option until you had the file on your machine and rt clk'd on it.

    In earlier versions of tutorials @Brink didn't have examples or bluish 'Note' boxes to show what the D/L file contained, but I have noticed he is including them with increased frequency, probably because of requests to do so. It would save the steps of D/L'd and checking the file if you saw it contains action that you didn't want.

    Optical Drive Issue-dl3.png

    Jerry8A said:
    Screenshot 22 (number 2) shows a Download tab.

    Is my next step to click on that tab?

    Optical Drive Issue-dl.png

    Jerry8A said:
    If so, what will I see and what would I do next?
    See below, hopefully it is self-explanatory.

    Optical Drive Issue-dl1.png

    Optical Drive Issue-dl2.png
      My Computers

  7. Posts : 87
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    Hello Steve –
    Again, my thanks for supplying detailed pictures and steps. They really help.
    The following are screenshots of where I am.
    Screenshot 23 shows confirmation my Registry was changed.
    Screenshot 24 shows the list of “Send to” names including the CD shortcut.
    Screenshot 25 shows the “Send to” list, but the CD name is still not listed.


    Optical Drive Issue-screenshot-23-.pngOptical Drive Issue-screenshot-24-.pngOptical Drive Issue-screenshot-25-.png
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 1,801
    10 Home 64-bit | v22H2 | Build - 19045.3930

    I'm runnin' outta ideas Jerry.

    Forget about right clicking on Documents. Can you see the drive if you drill down to one of your Word files within Documents, then right click on the Word file, an then click on send to?

    If you see the drive that way, test it to see if you can send the file to the drive.
      My Computers

  9. Posts : 87
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    Hello Steve =

    I did check the Word file and got the same results.

    Is there a work-around that would give me the same results? Would any other member have any ideas?

      My Computer

  10. Posts : 1,801
    10 Home 64-bit | v22H2 | Build - 19045.3930

    I'm outta ideas at the moment Jerry, let me think about this for awhile, problem is I'm up to my armpits in alligators becuse I'm real busy trying to settle my Dear Wife's estate.
    She Passed on 12/28/2019 and I'm busy now trying to get out thank you cards plus keeping track of a whole bunch of other things like transferring vehicle titles.

    • See if you can search for why "Documents in Win 10 won't allow a Send To Optical Drive." I'm thinking it's an association problem but I'm not sure.

    • You're not running a virtual drive are you?

    Nothing's never simple when you need it to be.
      My Computers


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