Replacing notebook HD with SSD (use HD for internal storage)
A mobile workstation came with 750 GB HD and 32 GB flash cache.
There are two HD bays.
One has the HD in a chassis and the other is empty (no chassis).
The 32 GB SSD is flash cache. It cannot be used for storage.
The configuration was with Windows installed on the HD and the SSD used as flash cache or pseudo RAID 0 configuration.
The HD is SATA 750 RPM (write and read speeds not checked).
The SSD flash cache is PCI bus.
The computer came with 3 year warranty which has expired.
There are HD problems.
There is no room to attach a SSD to the motherboard.
There is one empty bay but there is no chassis to support a second disk drive.
The chassis if available are HP proprietary hardware.
The cost and availability are unknown after several HP calls.
For the 32 GB flash cache.
a) What if any would be the advantage of leaving it attached to the motherboard and continue using it as flash cache with a SSD?
b) What if any would be the disadvantage of leaving it attached to the motherboard and continue using it as flash cache with a SSD?
c) How does a SSD function with a flash cache? No change? Faster? Slower?
Would it typically be faster with the SSD flash cache since it is PCI bus versus SATA?
The Crucial scanner displayed some replacement options.
Their support did not have information on a chassis to secure the SSD in the HD bay.
What are the options to secure the SSD in a notebook HD bay?
Which SSD drive vendors would you consider?
And what have end users used to secure the SSD in a HD bay that currently has no chassis?