Realtek audio driver problem: microphone | strix hero 2 gl504gm
I bought the asus rog strix hero 2 laptop in June 2019 and it works fine exept for one thing. A couple of months back I started to get problems with my audio drivers. I can listen to music no problem but my microphone doesn't work anymore. It is 100% a driver issue and I tried to reinstall older drivers, the drivers from the asus website specifically for this machine (rog strix hero 2 gl 504gm) but none of it worked. I have tried EVERYTHING I can find on internet about this issue but I just can't get it fixed. Also when I plug in my headset, it doesn't appear in playback devices (my disabled devices are shown). My microphone is shown in the recording tab from the control panel but it doesn't receive any sound. I thought it would be solved if realtek would release a new driver update but the last update is from april 2019 so I don't think a new update will arrive. Is someone out there who had the same problem or just someone who can help me?
I am using windows 10