Follow your link then click on the View more compatible ssd upgrades button. Three M.2 cards are listed [all 2280 as you'd expect] up to and including your desired 1TB size.
That Crucial webpage has an M.2 installation guide download link but, personally, I would still go to the Acer support website to find a "service manual" for the model so you can see some sort of confirmation from them that the M.2 connection has been fully implemented. Failing that try searching any Acer Aspire user forums for confirmation by a user of your model that they have successfully fitted an M.2 card.
[I assume that the standard "user manual" does not mention anything about it or you'd have said so already.]
I noted in Images of the M.2 slot on my laptop (I think) within your first post the words "I think". Personally, I would use the service manual or, in its absence, the Crucial M.2 installation guide to open up the computer to have a look at the M.2 connector.
Best of luck,