Any way to downgrade ver. of MS Storage spaces volume w/o data loss?

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  1. Posts : 913

    Clintlgm said:
    WOW this sound even worse than a straight up RAID 0, This confirms I'll never use this feature if I ever need to have a RAID 0 Volume I'll use IRST

    I still think if the OP has a full back up of the volume he should be able to restore it to a newer version of SS or a IRST Volume or a single drive

    Storage Spaces do not include RAID0 functionality, only JBOD-like (but it is possible to create Striped Volume - RAID0 equivalent - directly in Disk Management console). Two-way mirror over two physical disks mentioned by me is - in the sense of data redundancy - similar to common RAID1. (But more complex in other aspects, for example possibility of underprovisioning.)

    To regain access to data at volumes in upgraded pool, he can:
    - install higher Windows 10 version on the same computer, or
    - connect physical disks to different computer with higher Windows 10 version.

    But he asked if there is some possibility to downgrade pool without destroying it, not how to gain access to data; he knows how to do it.

    Storage Spaces are relatively complex structure, migrated from Windows Server realm, not suitable for average users.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 4,224
    Windows 10

    Question: to recover the drives previously used for a storage pool, why wouldn't diskpart's clean operation restore them to a blank and ready-to-format state? Am I misunderstanding something here? Seems to me that once an image of the pool is stored elsewhere, the drives in the pool could be restore to usability through such an approach. Obviously, there's more to it than that...
    Found this article by long-time Windows MVP and maven Brian Posey: How To Reuse Old Disks in Storage Pools -- Might want to give it a try.
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 913

    Ed, the problem may appear

    - either if you have multiboot system with more Windows 10 versions and you performed storage pool upgrading
    - or if you reinstall computer with lower Windows 10 version
    - or if you transfer Storage Spaces disks into different computer with lower Windows 10 version
    - or if you move/copy virtual disks from one virtual machine to other with lower Windows 10 version.

    Storage pool created/upgraded in Windows 10 version X is correctly operated in Windows 10 version Y only if X is lower or equal to Y.

    And MS recommends to upgrade storage pool (text and button in Storage Spaces applet) in every newer version of Windows but does not provide way to downgrade it back.. This is the core of this thread, not how to reuse physical disks formerly included in storage pool.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 913

    Perhaps I have difficulty to express my thoughts.. One simple rule may help:

    Any way to downgrade ver. of MS Storage spaces volume w/o data loss?-.png
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 913

    Which insane humanoid moved this thread? Is there any relation between storage pool up/downgrading and drivers/hardware section?? Incredible which diletants maintain this forum.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 6
    Thread Starter

    I`m using it like RAID1 actually, RAID0 is suicide IMHO.)
      My Computer


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