Internal optical drive seen as removable drive

  1. Posts : 61
    MX Linux 17.1

    Internal optical drive seen as removable drive

    Hi guys,

    I've got a CQ62 running an AMD processor. It's working great in every way but one.

    The internal CD/DVD burner is seen as a removable drive, and is inaccessible. Under Device Manager it's listed under Disk Drives, whereas normally it should be under DVD/CD Drives.

    The drive is unusable in Windows, but I can boot from it, and a live Linux session sees the drive fine, as does WinPE. This seems to be a Windows installation problem.

    Apparently the drive is seen as sata, not usb, because it doesn't show up in the Safely Remove utility.

    I did the last registry hack at I've switched optical drives with a known-good. I updated the BIOS. No difference.

    I'm running the 1809 version of Win10 x64.

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 9
    Windows 10

    When was the last time it worked?
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 9
    Windows 10

    When was the last time it worked correctly or has it been like that since installing windows 10?
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 61
    MX Linux 17.1
    Thread Starter

    Machine is new to me. Drive was wiped.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 61
    MX Linux 17.1
    Thread Starter

    Apparently this machine is not amenable to Win10. A clean install cannot get through OOBE. Same problem last time, but for some reason a reboot skipped the whole thing, which is probably the reason for the dvd problem. Probably will have to regress to Win7.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 9
    Windows 10

    Hmm... Well depending on what you want to do you've got a couple of options.

    You could ignore the issue if thats the only problem and windows runs well enough.

    I mean who really uses cds now anyway? They're being phased out most laptops don't even include them any more, usb storage has took over and now the 'cloud' is.

    I would either keep windows 10 and remove the offending cd drive and maybe post on some more forums (e.g. HP forums or Microsofts) until I got an answer that works.

    Otherwise I'd install a version of linux, the version you used that recognised the cd drive would do the trick and you would get to use the cd.

    Sorry I can't be of more help.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 9
    Windows 10

    I'd be interested to know both solution to your problem if you ever do get it sorted. It's unusual I've never come across it before.

    You may want to provide more information if you post again though. It would make things easier for the next geek to help you.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 3,609
    Windows 10 Pro 64-bit 21H1 (May 2021 build 19043.1083)

    If your laptop is old and not fully compatible with 64-bit, try installing 32-bit Windows 10. For up to 4GB RAM you won't notice any difference.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 61
    MX Linux 17.1
    Thread Starter

    Interesting thought, but it works great on Win7 x64. The problem seems to be between AMD and Win10. The OOBE problem I can only chalk up to MS, but also AMD did not revamp graphics drivers for all its cpus to accommodate Win10. The only time I run into this is on older AMD machines. This was a V120, IIRC.
      My Computer


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