Windows Explorer showing incorrect free space for internal drive

  1. Posts : 2
    Windows 10

    Windows Explorer showing incorrect free space for internal drive

    Hi all - I have an internal HDD with ~7gb of used space, but Windows Explorer (and 'Settings > Local Storage') both report the drive as being totally free (see screenshot below)

    Similarly, in Properties:

    It's odd that Windows is apparently aware that there is ~7gb of data on the drive (as you can see that the Used Space is being reported correctly), yet it incorrectly shows the drive as completely free

    I looked around online and didn't find anyone with this specific problem, though I did have trouble refining a precise enough search for this issue (most of the results being returned were for the "opposite" problem, wherein Windows would over-represent the used space rather than the free space for various reasons)

    - I am able to access the data on the drive just fine; it's mostly videos & there are a few other small things.
    - (C:) is an SSD
    - I tried plugging in an external HDD to see if it would be represented correctly, and it was; as you can see Windows is also showing correct figures for the USB drive
    - Shutting down / restarting makes no difference
    - Windows 10 Home, Asus.

    Any help is much appreciated - I would really like to get it to show the correct amount of free space!
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,254
    Windows 10 Pro

    Welcome to the forum.

    There is nothing wrong here and nothing to fix. Just a simple rounding error.
    Windows is not showing the drive as empty but in fact is using 7,757,221,888 bytes or 7.22 GB. The 1.81 values shown for total and free space are both rounded down. The free space is little more than 1.81 TB while the total space is closer to 1.82 TB. Rounded down they are both the same. It would take a usage of at least 10 GB to make a difference in the displayed values.

    Situations like this will occur with any rounding method.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 2
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    Wow, you are correct and it's so obvious. I have no idea how I missed that. I think I am just not used to having a drive this big, & got fixated on the idea that "something must be wrong if there's this much stuff on the drive and the little grey bar doesn't show that it's filling". Thanks!
      My Computer


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