USB Issue

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  1. Posts : 259
    Windows 10

    USB Issue

    This may not be the place to ask about this.

    I have 128GB usb drive for data backup. The drive is bitlockered.

    When not in use, the drive is stored in a drawer. it is only taken out of the drawer when I want to back up my data.

    I took the drive out today and put it in my computer.

    It now has 28.7 GB on it. There is no bitlocker protection. It's like the drive was formatted and then about 7GB of data from my computer was copied onto it. Or something like that.

    I think this may be out of the range of this forum but I don't know where to turn to.

    Diskpart does not show anything else on the drive than the 7 GB of data.

    What should my next move be?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 8,517
    windows 10

    Can you post a screen shot from disk manger showing it with all the details see if that helps us
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 259
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    USB Issue-snip1.jpg

    No where is my 128GB disk.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 8,517
    windows 10

    Have you used any software to repair your pc? That is a windows repair tool its bootable try booting from it the only link on the internet to that disk header is a rescue disk How to Fix PC Errors | Windows Techies
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 259
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    There is nothing to repair. The machine itself runs fine. It's just that this USB drive is now different. I know, weird. Very weird. I wish I could say, "oh, of course. My bad." or something but I cannot. It's like one day I had my stuff on this drive and it was safely in a drawer (and bitlockered), and the next, it's just weird. And the drive should say 128GB, but doesn't.

    My understanding is this not specifically a hardware oriented forum. Is there one more suited?
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 8,517
    windows 10

    What files are on the drive? Its active and bootable It definitely seems to be created by a rescue source any chance someone else could have formatted it with a rescue disk. You could try free parition recover software to see if it can be recovered but as its been over written its not good
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 14,665
    Win10 Pro and Home, Win11 Pro and Home, Win7, Linux Mint

    Before trying a recovery I'd put the 128GB drive in a different computer, see what gets recognized.
    Disk 1 [I:] Removable shows formatted as exFAT but only about 64GB before the formatting so something is definitely wrong. I've not used Bitlocker but maybe that's the culprit?

    Just a note: Windows has a limit of 32GB for partitioning and formatting as FAT32 but I've not seen that with exFAT, works with much larger drives [my latest USB drive of 4TB came as exFAT]. Problem with FAT32 is largest single file size is about 1 Byte less than 4GB.
      My Computers

  8. Posts : 9,810
    Mac OS Catalina

    Looks like it is Disk 1, Disk 3 and Disk 4.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 19,533
    W11+W11 Developer Insider + Linux

    RonNewYork said:
    This may not be the place to ask about this.

    I have 128GB usb drive for data backup. The drive is bitlockered.

    When not in use, the drive is stored in a drawer. it is only taken out of the drawer when I want to back up my data.

    I took the drive out today and put it in my computer.

    It now has 28.7 GB on it. There is no bitlocker protection. It's like the drive was formatted and then about 7GB of data from my computer was copied onto it. Or something like that.

    I think this may be out of the range of this forum but I don't know where to turn to.

    Diskpart does not show anything else on the drive than the 7 GB of data.

    What should my next move be?
    Are you sure it's Drive 4 you are talking about ? Looks like it has/had an OS on it. Check your device manager too.
      My Computers

  10. Posts : 259
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    I removed all the other USB drives. Here's how they are now:

    USB Issue-usbproblemdiskimage1.jpgUSB Issue-usbproblemdiskimage2.jpgUSB Issue-usbproblemdiskimage3.jpg

    M: is just a drive substitution. There are two main drives, C: and F: (a usb 2TB drive), which is substituted at M:

    I am guessing my only choices now are to 1) toss the drive (wiping it first), or 2) reformat it as exFAT and give it another try.

    Right? I cannot account for what has happened with this drive.

    BUT now when I try to format it, it says the capacity is just 28gB. Where are the other 100GB?

      My Computer


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