Raid 1 problems

  1. Posts : 1
    Windows 10 Home x64

    Raid 1 problems

    I have two 3TB disks on Raid 1 setup. I also have a folders with DVD movies there.
    The problem is that my media players crashes after the "Universal" intro when i try to play them.
    If i test the discs separately it works fine. But on Raid 1, it crashes.
    Weird thing is that its the same on all DVDs, on the same place. Any ideas?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 11,246
    Windows / Linux : Arch Linux

    Hi there

    How have you set up RAID 1.

    is it via a hardware card, software program (e.g on Linux software RAID is managed by MDADM and works very well) --not sure what a good windows software RAID program is -- storage spaces are an abomination so avoid if poss), or have you got the HDD's in some type of external enclosure - these usually have a switch to set as RAID, JBOD (just a bunch of disks) or discrete disks.

    As far as RAID is concerned - most cheap domestic controller cards are actually rubbish -- you might be better off getting rid of the RAID 1 config and just backup stuff to external every so often -- 4TB passport type self powered external USB 3 disks are cheap these days and perform more than adequately so you can use the whole 6TB on your machine.

    I have a NAS running in software RAID 0 (much faster -- although if you lose I HDD in the array then of course you lose the lot) but as most of my data is multi media files that don't change very often and I back up regularly anyway the risk of losing everything is about zero !!! -- I can easily rebuild the array again from backups if I have to --never needed yet though. RAID 0 really makes I/O fly if you have measures in place just in case get a failure -- it's never happened to me yet and this server has been running virtually non stop for around 18 months without a re-boot. !!

    However what ever form of RAID you use it should be transparent to the OS or the application - you've definitely got a glitch there.

    Try also using VLC or KODI as a player for multi-media -- KODI will also play ripped DVD ISO's including menus without any problems as well.

      My Computer


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