When might an available driver update actually be offered?

  1. Posts : 45,455
    Win 10 Pro (22H2) (2nd PC is 22H2)

    When might an available driver update actually be offered?

    Hi, I uninstalled my v19 Synaptics driver, rolling back to an older version after 2 syntp.sys BSODS with v19.

    I then thought I'd hide v19, which was installed by Win update some months after I installed v16, but scans with wushowhide.diagcab over the last week don't show it.

    I'm just beginning to wonder how long I should expect for such an update to be offered. Any thoughts?

      My Computers

  2. Posts : 1,318
    Windows 10

    i just noticed mine reads and it dates 27/05/2016 but its working perfectly fine , on consulting synaptic website i get to see they haven't touched the touchpads page since then too (23/05/2016) , they are keeping themselves busy though with other projects for cell phones and smart tvs , and i havent seen massive reports online of bsods when it comes to touch pads so no critical call here , so as it seems its gonna take em a while if ever . so i guess you should think about resolving your issue the old fashioned way , inspect if windows or other peripherals might be the cause .
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 45,455
    Win 10 Pro (22H2) (2nd PC is 22H2)
    Thread Starter

    Hi, thanks, whilst I could try to do that, as I have a working driver, 2 BSODs in some weeks of use - or longer- of v19- I'd rather spend my time doing something else. No other signs of anything wrong.

    It was simply the time delay in being offered the driver update by Windows that intrigued me.
    If I manually search for an update using Device Manager it finds it immediately.
      My Computers


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