Problems Connecting Android Phones to Windows 10

  1. Posts : 431
    w10 1803

    Problems Connecting Android Phones to Windows 10

    HI all wasnt sure which area to post this in so hopefully this is ok.

    I use my laptop mainly for djing and when I do I turn off the wifi as it interferes with the audio software.
    therefore in order to download music on the fly I use an Android mobile phone (Pixel 2 or Samsung s7 Egde).

    My issue is that when i connect the phone to the laptop via a micro usb to usb cable or usb c to usb cable the phone does NOT always display on the laptop and therefore I cannot transfer the contents to the laptop.

    This happened at 1st with the Pixel 2 and i thought it was just the Pixel 2. Then it started happening yesterday with the Samsung.

    I checked the USB configuration on the phone was set to MTP on both phones but still the phone will not diplay on the laptop.

    Any ideas?

    TIA Bart
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 381
    Windows 10

    I've had this happen with my Android phone as well. I solved it by unplugging and re-plugging in the phone until Windows sees it. It's a bit inconvenient, but it does work. The problem is that the phone doesn't always give me the option to activate the USB function, therefore Windows doesn't see it as a USB device. Once I can see the phone give me the option to connect, I have no problem, but it takes repeated plugging in for the phone to wise up and give me the option to connect.

    Probably not the answer you were looking for, but it does work for me. Best of luck.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 431
    w10 1803
    Thread Starter

    Thanks a bunch I tried that too even swapping ports around but nothing 😢
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 8,467
    windows 10

    One of the problems is the phone going to sleep or not having permission granted to Windows are the phone set to developer your looking for options like USB debugging and time out options. Some work better with the phones own software on the PC
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 431
    w10 1803
    Thread Starter

    Phones are in dev mode with USB debugging turned on. Not installed any phone software on the laptop though
      My Computer


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