Advice how to stop W10 from automatically installing/updating drivers
I'm writing here to ask for some advice on how i can make Windows 10 to stop installing drivers when i do not want them.
I currently have a gaming laptop that has tons of different drivers and utilities that are made specifically for this laptop model. And every time i remove one in order to install a newer one, like the Nvidia driver, as soon i reboot, windows will sneakily install an severely outdated driver without warning. This is very problematic for me. Not only that, he will install drivers that will result in broken programs functioning on my pc. I'm no computer noob, i can do this stuff on my own.
This is highly annoying for me since i sometimes forget to disconnect from the internet while doing these procedures so windows 10 won't flunk my work without asking for it, not to mention the problems it can result of repeatedly installing and uninstalling drivers.
Now I've done the normal procedure of denying windows 10 the authorization on the System tab on control panel (see img). But windows completely ignores my command and does it anyway, making me to release jets of steam out of my ears. Even having a Pro licence, windows assumes i'm not worthy of maintaining my own machine.
If someone could help me to regain control of my machine, it would make my day.
Thank you very much!
Edit: Another question. When i installed the newest Nvidia drivers, I've noticed that Vulkan Library did not install. Is it supposed to not install anymore, or something went wrong?