I Did Something Bad To My External HDD's & Can't Access Them.
I have two external HDD docks. One is a single bay (USB 2.0) and the other is a dual bay (USB 3.0) I have two 3.5 inch HDD's and one 2.5 inch HDD, that I use the docks for. I will name the HDD's thus: 1x 3.5 is #0. 1x 3.5 is #2. The 2.5 is #23.
Using the two bay dock, I placed HDD #0 in it and plugged it into my laptop & turned on the power to it. The HDD was recognized by Windows 10 Pro 64bit. I looked into a couple of folders and then closed explorer. I then inserted #23 (the 2.5 HDD) into the second bay. After windows recognised it, I clicked on it and got an error message. The message said "You need to format the disk in drive G before you can use it. I Backed out. I tried the three HDD's in various bays in both docks. HDD #2 works in all bays in both docks. As HDD #2 is fine, I will not refer to it again.
I get the same message with HDD #23. Other messages I have got from those two HDD's are "G:\ is not accessible. The volume does not contain a recognized file system. Please make sure that all required file system drivers are loaded and that the volume is not corrupted" and "G:\ is not accessible. The parameter is incorrect".
I have been searching the forum for help but thought I would post my problem before attempting any fixes. I think I know what has caused this.... ME
As I wrote what I had done I suddenly realized that I have 'hot swapped' HDD #23 by placing it into the dock whilst it was powered on.
Am I correct? If so, I must blame my age of 71 years for that slip. I have, up until this point, only ever had one HDD in the dock at a time.
Both HDD's have a lot of files, which I would like to recover by fixing the HDD's or getting the files off onto a new USB 3.0 external HDD I have. To complicate a possible fix on HDD #23, it is encrypted with BitLocker. The other HDD is not.
Can anyone be of assistance, please?
PS. It is late here in NZ and I am tired so I am off to bed. Will come back into this thread in the morning.