Odd problem My hard wired keyboard is swapping characters

  1. Posts : 138
    Windows 10 2018 Home (UK edition)

    Odd problem My hard wired keyboard is swapping characters

    I have a recurring problem with my hardwired keyboards, and not with the Logitech wireless keyboards. I am using a Das Professional 4 keyboard, and I have a cheap Amazon Basic keyboard for a backup. The problem is the " and @ exchange positions on these keyboards. If I do and upper case for " I get @, and vise versa, and only with this combination. It doesn't happen that often and if I reboot the computer is straightens it out. I thought the problem had to do with the cheap Amazon Basic keyboard. But I have it with this Das Pro 4 a rather expensive 3.0 keyboard I gave myself for Christmas. I have not played with the key mapping on this system. It is more of a annoyance than anything else. Has anyone else had this problem and is there a fix for it.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 32,638
    10 Home x64 (22H2) (10 Pro on 2nd pc)

    transmaster said:
    The problem is the " and @ exchange positions on these keyboards.
    Typically this happens when a US (or UK) keyboard is used with a UK (or US) layout. Another difference is that Shift+3 is # with a US layout and £ for a UK layout.

    Do you see ENG UK, ENG US or ENG INTL to the left of the time/date on the taskbar? This would show you have more than one keyboard layout installed. You can have still have multiple keyboard layouts even if you only have the one language installed.

    Look in Settings > Time & language > Region & language. Do you have more than one language here? If there's just the one, click on it then select 'Options'. Do you have more than one keyboard listed here? If so, you may be inadvertently switching keyboard layouts, it's easy to do with the WinKey+Spacebar.

    I presume both your keyboards are US. This would be confirmed by the # symbol being Shift+3. Using a UK layout with this keyboard would switch the " and @ characters. Remove any keyboard layouts in Setting that you do not need.
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 2,788
    Windows 10

    That is typical of a wrong Keyboard selection. You have to select the Keyboard it is.
    You can tell by looking at the keys layout, or the label stuck on the back, or the model number.

    The language selection is separate, you can for example have US Eng and UK Eng on the same UK keyboard.

    Settings > Time & Language > Region & Language > click on the Language > Options > check on the keyboard selection if wrong, Add the correct Keyboard.
    Then remove the wrong keyboard, if not required.

    Then obviously Restart.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 138
    Windows 10 2018 Home (UK edition)
    Thread Starter

    Thanks Bree, and Helmut that fixed it I didn't notice the ENG in the taskbar per your instructions I deleted the UK regional settings. Thank you so much!!!
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 32,638
    10 Home x64 (22H2) (10 Pro on 2nd pc)

      My Computers

  6. Posts : 12
    windows 10 Pro

    Wrong keyboard

    I know this is an oldish thread but...
    I thought it was Microsoft policy not to mess with personal settings when updating the OS - at least that's what they appear to say after the annoying "Hi...." message. Just about every time there's an update - 1703, 1709, 1803...all computers in the house have to be reset to English UK language and English UK Keyboard EVEN if I've previously deleted the US keyboard and language in Control Panel. MS please leave my settings alone. Oh and that's another thing MS seem to be intent on hiding CP deeper and deeper into the system. I have heard they intend to remove it altogether, relying solely on the - "why use one keyclick when 7 will do" - Settings cog. Hrrmmfff!
      My Computer


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