USBEHCI Event 3 Flood of errors

  1. Posts : 523
    Windows 10 Pro

    USBEHCI Event 3 Flood of errors

    It's an old issue I've never found a solution for.

    This ONLY happens when I plug in my USB Cisco Valet Wifi Adapter.

    It's totally fine for a day, no issues no errors but by the next morning my Event Viewer is Flooded with errors.

    USBEHCI Event 3 Flood of errors-usbehci.pngUSBEHCI Event 3 Flood of errors-usbehci2.png

    All devices USB are temporarily disabled.

    Xbox Wireless Reciever
    Wifi Adapter
    Wireless Keyboard/Mouse combo

    Waiting for them to come back takes anywhere from 2 to 10 mins and in a rare occasion a system restart. This was NOT an issue on Windows 7 which I haven't used for 3 years.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 257
    Windows 10 Pro

    Best to remove ALL usb drivers and restart. ovbiously the kb and mouse will cease to work after until rebooted but best to do so, this will rebuild the usb driver table :)
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 523
    Windows 10 Pro
    Thread Starter

    I've had 3 clean installs that have included this error but I'll give it a try. I hope it's hardware error with just that one device. I've ordered another Wi-Fi usb adapter.
      My Computer


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