Customise size of Quick Launch icons

  1. Posts : 4
    Windows 10

    Customise size of Quick Launch icons

    I have a Quick Launch bar on the left-hand side of my taskbar. If I select 'Small icons', the icons are incredibly small, and it is difficult to hit a specific one quickly.

    Customise size of Quick Launch icons-tb1.png

    If I select 'Large icons' then they are incredibly large, to the point that they increase the height of my taskbar, leading there to be empty space underneath my taskbar items; making my taskbar more difficult to use, as my cursor can now go *past* the taskbar items while moving down to click one.

    Customise size of Quick Launch icons-tb2.png

    Is it possible to customise the size of the Quick Launch icons to make them the same size as the default taskbar items, or alternatively (less preferred), increase the height of the taskbar items to conpensate for the additional space?
    Last edited by MisterCerberus; 07 Aug 2017 at 13:16.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 17,843
    Windows 10

    MisterCerberus said:
    I have a Quick Launch bar on the left-hand side of my taskbar. If I select 'Small icons', the icons are incredibly small, and it is difficult to hit a specific one quickly.

    Customise size of Quick Launch icons-tb1.png

    If I select 'Large icons' then they are incredibly large, to the point that they increase the height of my taskbar, leading there to be empty space underneath my taskbar items; making my taskbar more difficult to use, as my cursor can now go *past* the taskbar items while moving down to click one.

    Customise size of Quick Launch icons-tb2.png

    Is it possible to customise the size of the Quick Launch icons to make them the same size as the default taskbar items, or alternatively (less preferred), increase the height of the taskbar items to conpensate for the additional space?
    Hi @MisterCerberus , welcome to tenforums! :)

    I don't think it's possible to do what you wish. Why not just pin them the regular way?
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 4
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    Edwin said:
    Hi @MisterCerberus , welcome to tenforums! :)

    I don't think it's possible to do what you wish. Why not just pin them the regular way?
    If I pin Firefox, and Firefox is open, I cannot use the pin to open a second instance of Firefox; as clicking on it will just minimise the first instance of Firefox. A Quick Launch bar does what pinning does except better.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 17,843
    Windows 10

    MisterCerberus said:
    If I pin Firefox, and Firefox is open, I cannot use the pin to open a second instance of Firefox; as clicking on it will just minimise the first instance of Firefox. A Quick Launch bar does what pinning does except better.
    'Wheel Click' the pinned program will open a second/third/forth..... instance.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 4

    Quicklaunch Icon Size

    It can be done:
    1. Select large Quicklaunch icons (set by right-click after unlocking taskbar).
    2. Use Winaero Tweaker /Taskbar Thumbnails: Size 206 (was 200), Spacing 1/1 (was 20/20), Margins T80, B30, L50, R50 ( was 15). This is probably an anomaly - so it may not work in future versions (I used ver
    3. And for taskbar icons that then fit, use 7+ Taskbar Tweaker / Advanced Options: w_10_large_icons 1, tray_icons_padding 6 (I used ver 5.11.3).

    Customise size of Quick Launch icons-clipboard01.jpg
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 4

    Quicklaunch Icon Size: Update

    After this has been set, it seems possible to go back to defaults in Winaero Tweaker Taskbar Thumbnails without loss of the medium QuickLaunch Icon Size on reboot (at least in the Win10 version that I use: Win10 Pro64 ver 20H2 - KB5005463). Go figure.
      My Computer


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