1 pixel wide border outside windows in High Contrast

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  1. Posts : 1,323
    Windows 11 Pro 64-bit

    Edwin said:
    Build 14393.10
    High Contrast theme.
    Most intriguing.
    And I still don't get it. (dark theme + thin borders). Unless the generated 'dark' theme isn't fully dark.

    Aerolite is High Contrast by default. (check default themes).

    Aero always results in whites shown in places, like con487's screenshot.
      My Computers

  2. Posts : 17,843
    Windows 10

    Hopachi said:
    Most intriguing.
    And I still don't get it. (dark theme + thin borders). Unless the generated 'dark' theme isn't fully dark.

    Aerolite is High Contrast by default. (check default themes).

    Aero always results in whites shown in places, like con487's screenshot.
    I don't get it completely either. I usually have to mess around with it over and over and over with many restarts and sometimes I get lucky!

    This one came pretty close to having all the elements fall into place: "Flaire Fox" HC Theme:

    1 pixel wide border outside windows in High Contrast-000217.png
      My Computer


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