Windows 10 - how windows should look

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  1. Posts : 86
    Windows 10 Home x64

    The flat UI actually makes win10 very stable, aero slows down pcs as it used more resources becuase its a better looking interface. Those windows basic themes in vista/7 don't fix anything either just the same performance as aero.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 11
    Windows 10 Pro

    I'd like to see Aero Glass themes for Windows 10, too. I do not like the flat look of everything. I realize that a lot of it was done purposely, for mobile devices, but I'm a TOWER user, and I want Windows to look and act like I want it to. Windows 7 looked much nicer than 8 or 10 (so far).
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 41
    Windows 10 Pro 64-bit

    I like the flat look.

    Flat = 2012 to present
    Aero/Glare = 2000's to 2012.

    to me, the aero/glare is old looking and dull.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 8

    aero looks better. This blocky live tile metro looks is disgusting. At least tiles are more of the same color which was windows 8 biggest problem but really the tiles should be somewhat transparent. A light and dark theme where the tiles around the icons are either a frosted transparent white or a dark smoked glass transparent look to match either a lighter or darker task bar. The rtm build I had installed a few days before release had a white title bar that couldn't be colored. So I had a black task bar with a large white title bar. The minimize and close buttons are a bit large as well. This is just looks.

    Need to turn off location, disable targeted ads, learn how to remove apps with powershell since not all of them will uninstall normally, couldn't remove one drive, had xbox live crap installed when I don't own one, can't disable updates, tell cortana you have a browser for the internet, go through different setting areas to disable app access to things like contacts, camera, update times, wifi network. I wouldn't call this a functional OS rather adware 10 and microsoft forcing you to have their products installed on you're computer. Last windows I ever use.
      My Computer


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