How to manually install screen saver files?

  1. Posts : 12
    Windows 10 Pro

    How to manually install screen saver files?

    Tried searching the forums but none of the threads with screen saver or screensaver in the title seemed to answer my question, so I apologize if this has been answered and I missed it.

    I have a screen saver that was a bonus feature of a Hidden Object Game I played. After I removed the game I still had the screen saver files in the game's program directory however it no longer worked. I looked up online somewhere that there are three directories that are used for screen savers on windows 10 (just to make life complicated! as far as I know in previous windows version there was on directory for them!). The directories I found are as follows:

    • C:\Windows
    • C:\Windows\system32
    • C:\Windows\SysWOW64 (on 64-bit versions of Windows

    So I copied and pasted all the files for the screen saver into each of these directories. In the screensaver settings window it lists the screen saver I am trying to use and shows it in the little monitor preview box. however when I actually click the preview button to see if it is working I get a black screen and nothing else. When I click the mouse I get the chime error sound. So I alt+tab to get out of it and there is an error window. I saved the error log and this is what it contained (never mind the times at the beginning of each line, that's just reflective of when the error occurred and when I saved the log):

    12:49:26 PM: Cannot enumerate files in directory 'C:/WINDOWS/system32/Com/dmp' (error 5: access is denied.)
    12:49:26 PM: Cannot enumerate files in directory 'C:/WINDOWS/system32/config' (error 5: access is denied.)
    12:49:26 PM: Cannot enumerate files in directory 'C:/WINDOWS/system32/inetsrv/Config' (error 5: access is denied.)
    12:49:26 PM: Cannot enumerate files in directory 'C:/WINDOWS/system32/LogFiles/Fax/Incoming' (error 5: access is denied.)
    12:49:26 PM: Cannot enumerate files in directory 'C:/WINDOWS/system32/LogFiles/Fax/Outgoing' (error 5: access is denied.)
    12:49:26 PM: Cannot enumerate files in directory 'C:/WINDOWS/system32/LogFiles/Firewall' (error 5: access is denied.)
    12:49:26 PM: Cannot enumerate files in directory 'C:/WINDOWS/system32/LogFiles/HTTPERR' (error 5: access is denied.)
    12:49:26 PM: Cannot enumerate files in directory 'C:/WINDOWS/system32/LogFiles/WMI' (error 5: access is denied.)
    12:49:26 PM: Cannot enumerate files in directory 'C:/WINDOWS/system32/MsDtc' (error 5: access is denied.)
    12:49:26 PM: Cannot enumerate files in directory 'C:/WINDOWS/system32/networklist' (error 5: access is denied.)
    12:49:26 PM: Cannot enumerate files in directory 'C:/WINDOWS/system32/sru' (error 5: access is denied.)
    12:49:26 PM: Cannot enumerate files in directory 'C:/WINDOWS/system32/Tasks' (error 5: access is denied.)

    I haven't the faintest clue what this error means. All I can find are unrelated problems for error 5 about administrative rights and having to change the administrative password to run a program that I want to launch when I want to launch it to use it, which isn't going to work for a screensaver as it should automatically start after a set amount of idle time.

    Just in case it might be relevant here are the names of the files for the screen saver I am trying to manually install:


    Does any one have any clue what's going on or how to fix it so my screen saver will work properly? I realize that screen savers are a relic of the past but in my case it's actually useful because it keeps my monitor from turning off and my pc from going into standby when I am in the middle of doing something but have to step away for a moment to answer the phone, or door or whatever.

    Any help is appreciated.

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 12
    Windows 10 Pro
    Thread Starter

    Still waiting....
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