I can't get Windows to Show the Lock Screen.

  1. Posts : 30
    Microsoft Windows 10 Pro CORE x64

    I can't get Windows to Show the Lock Screen.

    Hi guys,

    I don't know if I changed a setting or what but I can't get Windows to show me the Lock Screen. I have it like this. I put it in Slideshow with a custom folder where I keep all my wallpapers.
    I can't get Windows to Show the Lock Screen.-lezoos4.jpg
    I can't get Windows to Show the Lock Screen.-3vgiagz.jpg

    It's very confusing to me that there is a slideshow lockscreen settings in one side, a normal savescreen setting in another. If I had to set my screen to turn off after a certain time or not. I just want the frickin lockscreen to start whenever, let's say, 30 min have passed. Only thing I get it's my screen turned off.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 3
    Windows 10 Pro

    I am having the same problem as well, sometimes, if I set it to 1 minute it works. I think this started just after the last cumulative update. Still trying to fix it.
      My Computer


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