Lock screen not changing picture

  1. Posts : 4
    Windows 10

    Lock screen not changing picture

    So when I go to the lock screen in Windows 10 I can select a picture and the preview shows it fine. However when I actually lock my PC it still shows the default Windows 10 one. (Not a solid colour)

    PC upgraded from Windows 7 recently. All updates applied.

    I have tried so many things, deleted systemdata folder in programdata, tried running registry repairs, sfc scannow etc.

    Anyone got any ideas why it will let me change the lock screen picture with no problems, change the preview but the actual lock screen image itself doesn't change?

    It's really bugging me. Thanks.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 3,613
    Windows 10 Pro 64-bit 21H1 (May 2021 build 19043.1083)

    Hello! Right-click on the desktop and select Personalize. Then go to Lock Screen. Make sure the background is set to Slideshow, not Picture.

    Last edited by Brink; 11 Oct 2015 at 10:48. Reason: added tutorial link for more info
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 4
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    spapakons said:
    Hello! Right-click on the desktop and select Personalize. Then go to Lock Screen. Make sure the background is set to Slideshow, not Picture.

    Thanks but that didn't work, and I'm really struggling to see how changing the background from Picture to Slideshow would make a difference especially if I just want a lock screen of one picture in particular.

    Would be on a domain make any difference?

    Maybe a screen grab will help, I'm not too sure if where it says "Choose your picture", it should also have a small thumbnail there? Although it's blank.
    Last edited by dindan; 12 Oct 2015 at 03:53.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 3,613
    Windows 10 Pro 64-bit 21H1 (May 2021 build 19043.1083)

    No I think the problem arises because you have selected only a single picture. To make a slideshow you must select multiple pictures. Go there again and try changing the picture to see what you can do. Try selecting multiple pictures by clicking on the first, hold SHIFT and click on the last. To select pictures that they are not in order, click the first, hold CTRL and click on the rest one-by-one.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 4
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    spapakons said:
    No I think the problem arises because you have selected only a single picture. To make a slideshow you must select multiple pictures. Go there again and try changing the picture to see what you can do. Try selecting multiple pictures by clicking on the first, hold SHIFT and click on the last. To select pictures that they are not in order, click the first, hold CTRL and click on the rest one-by-one.
    You can't select pictures in a slideshow, it only asks for a folder to select rather than the individual pictures within that? Also moved about 4/5 pictures in a folder, selected it as a slideshow and the lock screen image remains the same

      My Computer

  6. Posts : 3,613
    Windows 10 Pro 64-bit 21H1 (May 2021 build 19043.1083)

    Have you checked the Advanced slideshow settings?

    Lock screen not changing picture-advanced-slideshow-settings-windows-10.jpg

    Maybe you have to set the "Only use pictures that fit my screen" to OFF. If you try using photos from a digital camera, as I suspect you do, these are in the order of Mpixels which is huge compared to your current monitor resolution! Even at full HD 1920x1080 this is smaller than a typical 5MP or larger photo. Try that switch and see what happens. I didn't spot anywhere a setting of the seconds that take to change the picture. Maybe this interval is large and you should reduce it, but how? I didn't find any such setting.

    Maybe you can use the Lock Screen Customizer from Winaero, but I'm not sure if that works in Windows 10. Just download it and test it. Don't forget to right-click and Run as Administrator to make sure it has access to the relevant resources. In worst case it will display a message that only works in Windows 8 and you would uninstall it.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 4
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    spapakons said:
    Have you checked the Advanced slideshow settings?

    Lock screen not changing picture-advanced-slideshow-settings-windows-10.jpg

    Maybe you have to set the "Only use pictures that fit my screen" to OFF. If you try using photos from a digital camera, as I suspect you do, these are in the order of Mpixels which is huge compared to your current monitor resolution! Even at full HD 1920x1080 this is smaller than a typical 5MP or larger photo. Try that switch and see what happens. I didn't spot anywhere a setting of the seconds that take to change the picture. Maybe this interval is large and you should reduce it, but how? I didn't find any such setting.

    Maybe you can use the Lock Screen Customizer from Winaero, but I'm not sure if that works in Windows 10. Just download it and test it. Don't forget to right-click and Run as Administrator to make sure it has access to the relevant resources. In worst case it will display a message that only works in Windows 8 and you would uninstall it.
    The Winaero got it working, so thank you very much for that!! Nothing else was working, really not sure why. Thanks for you help.
      My Computer


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