Same issue down here. : Explorer Icons became blurred - Windows 10 Forums
waiting for any suggestion for this.
Hey shadow, thanks for the reply i really appreciate it, it worked FINALLY!
After approximately two weeks of restarting after trying this..
Icon Cache - Rebuild in Windows 10 - Windows 10 Forums
Default File Associations - Restore in Windows 8
I was frustrated at first as i thought it's not working with me, but voilà it did after all!
thanks again
here's the difference...
Back to the HD world.![]()
LoL yeah
Now for me the only issue left with windows 10 is the DVD drive that's not reading any disks even though it was working perfectly fine with previous versions 7,8,8.1!!
It keeps loading then nothing happens!
I tried many things to fix it, but still nothing worked!
Can you suggest any effective solutions?
Why type of DVD? Video DVD? or the others containing Data?
Please check the full system spec from my profile..
Is this what you're asking about?
yeah, it's an ordinary DVD drive, it's not reading any cds/dvds with typical data!
Not the hardware info. :) What type of DVD are you trying to use in the system? If it's a Video play back disk then windows can't play that you will have to use VLC to play it. And if the disk is not getting detected then you have to update the disk drivers in device manager.
Qué tipo de DVD está tratando de utilizar en el sistema? Si es un Videodisco continuación ventanas no puede jugar que usted tendrá que usar VLC para reproducirlo. Y si el disco no está siendo detectada entonces usted tiene que actualizar los controladores de disco en el administrador de dispositivos.
If the system is not recognizing any disks then that sounds like either the drivers or the hardware. Some thing is wrong with the Disk.
Can you eject the drive from explorer? if you can then it may be related to the disk or some software messing up with the settings.
Try inserting the disk and use Multi Commander to access the drive. :) I hope it will solve out any issues.
Si el sistema no reconoce los discos entonces que suena como la motivación ni el hardware. Algo está mal con el disco.
¿Se puede expulsar el coche del explorador? si se puede, entonces puede estar relacionado con el disco o algún software de echar a perder con los ajustes.
Trate de insertar el disco y utilizar Multi Commander acceder a la unidad. :) Espero que va a resolver cualquier problema.