Libraries don't appear in the left segment of the explorer

  1. Posts : 16
    windows 10

    Libraries don't appear in the left segment of the explorer

    I've added folders to my libraries (like music, pictures etc.) but in the explorer they don't appear there, on the left. Instead I (gather that) I see folders with the same names as the libraries (which is quite confusing)...

    For example, in the "music" library I have added a big fat folder with mp3s (other than the "iTunes" you see in the pic), which does not appear when I click on music, here. Apparently, this is not the library but some other folder of the same name.

    Matter of fact, I'm a bit confused....

    Libraries don't appear in the left segment of the explorer-wherearethelibraries.jpg

    I'd like to see the libraries there, instead of these folders. Is that possible?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 16
    windows 10
    Thread Starter

    For example, here's the "explorer" of some program. Here you can see on the left two times "Music" with the very same icon. But it doesn't seem to be the same thing.

    Libraries don't appear in the left segment of the explorer-herearethelibraries.jpg

    One time, it seems to be a folder of some kind... Second time it seems to be a library.

    • Why this very confusing folder/libary naming?
    • How can I have my windows explorer show the libraries instead of the folders?

      My Computer

  3. Posts : 5,477

    EDIT: Sorry - I couldn't see the second one well. Please make it clearer.

    I got told off by the admins for being rude - I do not mean to be, just please show a screen print we can read.
    Last edited by lx07; 02 Oct 2015 at 13:00. Reason: Aplology
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 16
    windows 10
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    This is a picture of ACDSee 6 and this is the default theme. I would never pick such a theme but I wouldn't bother to change it, either.

    I don't care the least to impress anyone, let alone some unknown guy I don't know or care about. If you think it's a "comedy" theme, If you think I try to "impress" ppl and if you aren't able to see what the screenshot shows, just walk, I don't care the least to be helped by ppl with this kind of attitude.

      My Computer

  5. Posts : 27,400
    Win11 Pro, Win10 Pro N, Win10 Home, Windows 8.1 Pro, Ubuntu
      My Computers

  6. Posts : 16
    windows 10
    Thread Starter

    Thanks, Cliff S. I followed your instructions and now the libraries do appear there.

    But I find the existance of prefixed folders, along with the libraries, all with the same names (music, pictures etc.) disturbing. As I understand, I can't get rid of the folders, so I'll drop the use of the libraries and get on with the folders.

    ( I've been using MS OSs since MSDOS was the hot thing (I did skip vista, though, and uninstalled W8/8.1 soon after installation). I never remember another OS this hard to customize. )
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 27,400
    Win11 Pro, Win10 Pro N, Win10 Home, Windows 8.1 Pro, Ubuntu

    An option that I use is the Desktop tool bar and it's cascading menu when I want to access something quickly. I turn libraries off too in file explorer, but for example I have created an extra library for my VM's, so to access quickly I just do this:
    Libraries don't appear in the left segment of the explorer-image-001.png
      My Computers


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