Windows 10 Pro 64-bit, v22H2 (Build 19045.2604)

I switched over to Windows 10 a few months ago and I'm slowly tuning and tweaking its UI. One of the 'problems' I ran into is how my JScript apps look. The text looks clunky and smeared as shown in "CurrentWSH.jpg" below.

Can WSH script font be changed?-currentwsh.jpg

This reminded me of something I read about using DPI Scaling to fix blurry old apps. I grabbed a copy of "C:\Windows\System 32\wscript.exe" and put it in my test folder. Next I right-clicked on 'wscript.exe > Properties > Compatibility > 'Change high DPI settings' button > 'High DPI scaling override'. I checked 'Override high DPI scaling behavior' and set 'Scaling Performed by' to 'System (Enhanced)'.

Next I ran the same JScript app with the modified 'wscript.exe' engine. The text looks a lot better as seen in "ModifiedWSH.jpg" below.

Can WSH script font be changed?-modifiedwsh.jpg

I hope you can see the difference. The text is a lot cleaner with a different font size. But the bottom two or three lines are missing because of the larger font size. An interesting experiment, but not usable.

So this brings me to my question: Can I change the font in my WSH/JScript apps?

Any thought, suggestions, or questions?
