Anyone know how to change scrollbar color?

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  1. Posts : 158
    Windows 10 Pro x64 Ver. 21H2 Build 19044.1706

    Anyone know how to change scrollbar color?

    Anyone know how to change scrollbar color other than the camouflage light gray on even lighter gray?

    I have a elderly client who really has a hard time seeing a light gray scroll bar block on an even lighter gray scrollbar background!
    (Pretty absurd or original color choice when you think of it)
      My Computers

  2. Posts : 45,650
    Win 10 Pro (22H2) (2nd PC is 22H2)

    If I recall this has been asked before and the answer was that there is no way of doing that alone.

    Assuming you're referring e.g. to the one use in file explorer this is what I see:
    Anyone know how to change scrollbar color?-1.png

    You might get greater contrast by adjusting the graphics settings somewhat.

    Another approach is to encourage your client to use the scroll wheel and to enable the use of the scroll wheel when the mouse pointer is over inactive windows.

    Otherwise you might consider the use of a suitable theme one way or another.
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 158
    Windows 10 Pro x64 Ver. 21H2 Build 19044.1706
    Thread Starter

    This is what the issue is (look at right side of image). In fact it is often even more bland. Don't know what he grand idea behind was to make all boring gray variations on a theme.
    Anyone know how to change scrollbar color?-clipboard-2.jpg
    Last edited by dorcom; 09 Mar 2021 at 14:28.
      My Computers

  4. Posts : 45,650
    Win 10 Pro (22H2) (2nd PC is 22H2)

    And thank you for your reply.
      My Computers

  5. Posts : 141
    Windows 10

    dorcom said:
    Anyone know how to change scrollbar color other than the camouflage light gray on even lighter gray?
    I have a elderly client who really has a hard time seeing a light gray scroll bar block on an even lighter gray scrollbar background!
    First, my apologies for not seeing your post sooner.

    User interface customization was always limited in Microsoft Windows, and Windows 10 limited it even further.

    However, there are two third-party tools that can let you recolor scrollbars.

    Classic Color Panel (CCP) lets you change the colors of various Windows GUI features, including scrollbars.

    Customize Colors in Windows 10 - WinTools.Info

    Stardock WindowBlinds lets you reskin the entire Windows GUI if you wish. For instance, you can change the color and even the shape of scrollbars.

    Stardock WindowBlinds: Skin and Theme your Windows Desktop

    Stardock has a another product, Curtains, for Windows 10 only, but I don't know whether it lets you recolor scrollbars.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 45,650
    Win 10 Pro (22H2) (2nd PC is 22H2)

    Hi, just tried Classic Color Panel to see if it would change file explorer's scrollbar.

    I tried running it as admin, I clicked 'Apply' - I then restarted explorer (totally- desktop, taskbar, all) - still no change.

    Could you advise how to achieve that please? Thanks.
      My Computers

  7. Posts : 93
    Windows 10 pro 64 Bit Version 21H1 (OS Build 19043.844)

    well in windows 10 the option to change the scrollbars is baked into the code and cant be changed so they say, but then how do they change when a theme is installed? I have this theme installed which has a thin scrollbar and also its colored to the theme...?? so there has to be a way.Anyone know how to change scrollbar color?-screenshot-2021-03-22-170552.png
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 158
    Windows 10 Pro x64 Ver. 21H2 Build 19044.1706
    Thread Starter

    dalchina said:
    Hi, just tried Classic Color Panel to see if it would change file explorer's scrollbar.
    I tried running it as admin, I clicked 'Apply' - I then restarted explorer (totally- desktop, taskbar, all) - still no change.
    Could you advise how to achieve that please? Thanks.
    I know, it does not work despite that there is a RGB value in the registry (see below, highlighted in bold red)
    This whole Windows is drifting more and more into a completely Microsoft controlled "look but can't touch" operating system with user settings the way Microsoft wants to show you and what they want to show you, for which they will soon charge on a monthly basis, every day like a salami slice off, a little less user functionality.

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Colors]
    "ActiveBorder"="180 180 180"
    "ActiveTitle"="153 180 209"
    "AppWorkspace"="171 171 171"
    "ButtonAlternateFace"="0 0 0"
    "ButtonDkShadow"="105 105 105"
    "ButtonFace"="240 240 240"
    "ButtonHilight"="255 255 255"
    "ButtonLight"="227 227 227"
    "ButtonShadow"="160 160 160"
    "ButtonText"="0 0 0"
    "GradientActiveTitle"="185 209 234"
    "GradientInactiveTitle"="215 228 242"
    "GrayText"="109 109 109"
    "HilightText"="255 255 255"
    "HotTrackingColor"="0 102 204"
    "InactiveBorder"="244 247 252"
    "InactiveTitle"="191 205 219"
    "InactiveTitleText"="0 0 0"
    "InfoText"="0 0 0"
    "InfoWindow"="255 255 225"
    "Menu"="240 240 240"
    "MenuBar"="240 240 240"
    "MenuText"="0 0 0"
    "TitleText"="0 0 0"
    "Window"="255 255 255"
    "WindowFrame"="100 100 100"
    "WindowText"="0 0 0"
    "Scrollbar"="0 255 0"
    "MenuHilight"="0 120 215"
    "Background"="76 74 72"
    "Hilight"="0 120 215"
      My Computers

  9. Posts : 17,843
    Windows 10

    imanalien said: do they change when a theme is installed?
    Most custom theme-ing is achieved by skinning..., not actually changing colors.

    Anyone know how to change scrollbar color?-000682.png
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 158
    Windows 10 Pro x64 Ver. 21H2 Build 19044.1706
    Thread Starter

    Let's stay on track here.
    The original subject question was: "Anyone know how to change scrollbar color?"

    Applying a theme is another matter and there are plenty of apps i. e. Stardock that offer such
      My Computers


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