No eye problems here in the true medical sense of the term, but I am HSP and sensitive to big differences in luminance between the foreground and the background, as well as some color combinations, especially when reading non stop for longer than a half minute or so. I use themes with dark grey backgrounds wherever I can. I also use Intel Graphics Experience app to lower the contrast and to increase the color brightness of textual content. The app lets me switch back to the default color profile for looking at pics or for watching movies, which is when the high brightness doesn't bother me at all so, for those, I prefer the normal picture quality instead. And I use Dark Reader addon in my browser. Finally, my screen is a 55 inch LED TV so I sit at a far enough distance in a reasonably well lit room to help reduce eyestrain.
Highly Sensitive Person, a person having a high measure of sensory processing sensitivity. Before it was called that, it was better known as Kazimierz Dąbrowski's 5 overexcitabilities, which he used to call 'over-stimulabilities'.
I watched the first 3 minutes ......... is this what you mean? 13 Problems Only Highly Sensitive People Will Understand - YouTube I will now go back and watch the rest because I find this video very enlightening and I'm sympathetic to the feelings of anyone feeling like this. 141k upvotes to 1.5k downvotes - that says something.
Last edited by steve108; 01 Mar 2021 at 22:12.
Yes, but it should be noted that the traits outlined in that video are only just a few examples of those specific indicators that, when brought all together, can point in the direction of HSP to some certain extent that may vary from person to person so wildly that there isn't necessarily always a clearly defined distiction present, as for who is and who isn't HSP. It's infinite shades of grey, and, if you look in the description of this video, you will see a link to another video the title of which would suggest that there are only 6 different types of HSP, but if you click on it and then you navigate to 4:24, you will see that there are many more types, and that they can overlap.
In fact, they can overlap in various many different ways, which means that those kinds of generalizations can tend to be inadequate to get a handle on what being HSP might factually be like for one person who is HSP versus another person who is HSP also. So, it doesn't necessarily always make much sense to try to put a label on them, albeit they're only about 20% of the population, which makes them rare enough for many to still want to put a label on them, but not so rare that HSP can be labelled a medical disorder. It isn't, but advanced fMRI scanning techniques have revealed that HSP'ers do have neural connectivities that are fundamentally different when compared to non HSP'ers so, contrary to old popular beliefs, 'over-stimulabilities' are not a figment of people's imagination. Ergo, customizations such as dark themes, for example, should be viewed as a basic human right.
I seriously have posted about this elsewhere on this site. But, Microsoft needs to incorporate in the font section the ability to auto apply fonts, change systemwide font colors and sizes etc..I am not going to mess with the color inversion stuff in the accessibility section. The fact you have to create your own .reg file to change the system font is silly. Come on Microsoft. And yes I have messaged Microsoft on 2 different sites and forums. According to them thats up to the programming teams and if they dont feel its a big deal
Custom CSS for Dark Reader addon, intended to be used with TenForums--Modern [Legacy]
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Last edited by hdmi; 14 Apr 2021 at 05:15.