Context Menu Command Prompt and AppliesTo Registry String
Please see the last three or four threads in: Add or Remove Command Prompt Open Here Context Menu in Windows 10 as they have pictures.
I want to add Command Prompt to the right click menu and to show up on Folder Right-Clicks and Folder Backgrounds. Problem is, the registry modifications also add Command Prompt to Library backgrounds as well and the prompt does not work for those virtual directories.
Anyway, how would I modify the Directory\Background and Library Background keys so that the context menu DOES NOT show up when right clicking (1) Main Library in Nav Pane, (2) Specific Library (Documents, Music etc.) in the Navigation Pane (see first pic) as well as (3) Main Library background in the folder view but (4) DOES show up when right clicking the background WITHIN the specific library like music, (2nd pic), where the shell opens up properly?
Please see the last posts in the link above for pictures and more details.