Hello mngerhold,
Not a problem, we are all here to help each other!
Yes, the list can be easily updated with newly unneeded Apps that appear in the future. The code can then be run again!
I think the idea is that when a new Update/Rollout is released, because the Registry Keys have been amended [Deprovisioned folder] they will NOT get re-installed!
Quoted from
When you update a computer running Windows 10, version 1703 or 1709, you might see provisioned apps that you previously removed return post-update. This can happen if the computer was offline when you removed the apps.
AND . . .
When you remove a provisioned app, we create a registry key that tells Windows not to reinstall or update that app the next time Windows is updated. If the computer isn't online when you deprovision the app, then we don't create that registry key.
I think that they are talking about Apps that you un-installed directly in the Apps menu etc.
As I stated in my previous post, the script [Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage] MUST be run ONLINE.
I hope this helps!