I had been looking at some articles relating to internet performances online, in search of an optimal provider for me to invest in later for improved services to my home internet. To which I had found some in my state that provided Fiber Optic connections, but teasingly not available in my particular district. These speeds provided, for as great as they were, seemingly only base capped at nearly a single gigabyte per second. Which made me laugh a little inside as of least in the last 17 years, our technology speeds in places otherwise has improved dramatically with performance handling and visuals.

I find it ironic so, that even to this day we seem to struggle to maintain a decent connection to online services whenever another device so happens to just briskly connect to the current network. Now I'm just learning about A+, and working to get that certification, so I don't fully understand as of yet in the domain of Internet performance, but I consider myself greedy otherwise. I like to remark in my ability to blast as much performance or rates as physically possible when I work or buy a machine/service. So forgive my Shock when I hear about the stories of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in Germany or the Technical University of Denmark achieving Terabits of service per second within the last 6 years or so.

I'm not going to act as if I have a purpose or reason for these sorts of achieved rates, but dare I at least ask to have internet speeds like that provided by Google fiber, that doesn't require me to move to an entire different neighborhood to maybe be available to me at, (an apparent rate of) $80 per month? I'm not going to pretend I know what I would do with such a provision, but I really shouldn't need to provide a justification for this. Moreover, I'm more concerned in exactly what manner of magic is this sort that these institutes even get these speeds, like they're literally an internet provider of their own, (for however even that would work as well.) Again I'm not going to act like I know what goes into all of this, but I can reasonably assert that we have more than the capability to increase these numbers here, ("We Have the Technology!" I remember from Robocop.) It's one of those "Ignorance's of life," for me at least, (and By that I mean a "mystery" of life that no doubt has an obvious answer, but is known by few and far in-between on a public level.)

I find my self to lament on these things, knowing fully well that somehow the Grass is greener somewhere, and I'm trying to figure out their gardening Technique and fertilizer utilized to create such a beautiful pasture.