BSOD Machine Check Exception

  1. Posts : 3
    Windows 10

    BSOD Machine Check Exception

    I am getting a BSOD issue generally when playing games on my pc. The error code is usually Machine_Check_Exception and it comes up somewhat randomly after playing for a bit. Sometimes I can play for an hour with no issues sometimes it will come up after on few minutes of play. It will also occasionally happen immediately(Within 30 Seconds) of starting up after another BSOD. Any help would be dope.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 3
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    UPDATE: A few minutes after posting this while not gaming I had another BSOD the code was WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 5,170
    64bit Win 10 Pro ver 21H2

    Hello TPBlaster,

    Welcome to Tenforums :)

    Everytime you get a BSOD there is a new mini-dump file created. We need to be able to see these so please post a new set of logfiles.

    Many thanks!
      My Computers

  4. Posts : 3
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 5,170
    64bit Win 10 Pro ver 21H2

    These are usually related to hardware errors, the most recent one is a bugcheck 0x124 and we can examine the Machine Check Exception (see below). The CPU reports the error as a data cache Level 0 write error but finding the cause is difficult.

    Common Platform Error Record @ ffffcd09a9c88028
    Record Id     : 01d32963f2393fbd
    Severity      : Fatal (1)
    Length        : 928
    Creator       : Microsoft
    Notify Type   : Machine Check Exception
    Timestamp     : 9/9/2017 12:31:34 (UTC)
    Flags         : 0x00000000
    Section 0     : Processor Generic
    Descriptor    @ ffffcd09a9c880a8
    Section       @ ffffcd09a9c88180
    Offset        : 344
    Length        : 192
    Flags         : 0x00000001 Primary
    Severity      : Fatal
    Proc. Type    : x86/x64
    Instr. Set    : x64
    Error Type    : Cache error
    Operation     : Generic
    Flags         : 0x00
    Level         : 0
    CPU Version   : 0x00000000000306c3
    Processor ID  : 0x0000000000000002
    Section 1     : x86/x64 Processor Specific
    Descriptor    @ ffffcd09a9c880f0
    Section       @ ffffcd09a9c88240
    Offset        : 536
    Length        : 128
    Flags         : 0x00000000
    Severity      : Fatal
    Local APIC Id : 0x0000000000000002
    CPU Id        : c3 06 03 00 00 08 10 02 - bf fb da 7f ff fb eb bf
                    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
                    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    Proc. Info 0  @ ffffcd09a9c88240
    Section 2     : x86/x64 MCA
    Descriptor    @ ffffcd09a9c88138
    Section       @ ffffcd09a9c882c0
    Offset        : 664
    Length        : 264
    Flags         : 0x00000000
    Severity      : Fatal
    Error         : DCACHEL0_WR_ERR (Proc 1 Bank 1)
      Status      : 0xbf80000000000124
      Address     : 0x0000000123003e00
      Misc.       : 0x0000000000000086
    We can also check for any thermal zones and from the info we read the actual temperatures recorded. There were two thermal zones, the temperature values are in Kelvin but in this case do not indicate any cause for concern.

    1: kd> !tz
    0 - ThermalZone @ 0xffffcd09a8f9a420
      State:         Read                Flags:              0x00000006 Initialized ActiveEngaged
      Mode:          Active              PendingMode:        Active  
      ActivePoint:   0x00000002          PendingActivePoint: 0x00000002
      Throttle:      0x00000064          PendingThrottle:    0x00000064
      SampleRate:    0x00000000          ThrottleReasons:    0
      OverThrottled: 0                   ThermalStandby:     0
      LastTime:      0x0000000000000000  LastTemp:           0x00000000 (0.0K)
      PassiveTimer:  0xffffcd09a8f9a420
      PassiveDpc:    0xffffcd09a8f9a420
      Irp:           0xffffcd09a88e19a0
      Device:        0xffffcd09a9078c40
      Thermal Info:  0xffffcd09a8f9a490
    1 - ThermalZone @ 0xffffcd09a8fba010
      State:         Read                Flags:              0x00000002 Initialized
      Mode:          Active              PendingMode:        Active  
      ActivePoint:   0x00000000          PendingActivePoint: 0x00000000
      Throttle:      0x00000064          PendingThrottle:    0x00000064
      SampleRate:    0x00000000          ThrottleReasons:    0
      OverThrottled: 0                   ThermalStandby:     0
      LastTime:      0x0000000000000000  LastTemp:           0x00000000 (0.0K)
      PassiveTimer:  0xffffcd09a8fba010
      PassiveDpc:    0xffffcd09a8fba010
      Irp:           0xffffcd09a8f9a860
      Device:        0xffffcd09a9078a20
      Thermal Info:  0xffffcd09a8fba080
    1: kd> !tzinfo 0xffffcd09a8f9a490
    ThermalInfo @ 0xffffcd09a8f9a490
      Stamp:         0x00000006  Constant1:  0x00000000  Constant2:   0x00000000
      Period:        0x00000000  ActiveCnt:  0x00000005  MinThrottle: 0x00000000
      OverThrottle:  0x00000000
      Current Temperature:                   0x00000bc2 (301.0K)
      Passive TripPoint Temperature:         0x00000000 (0.0K)
      Active TripPoint Temperature 0:        0x00000dcc (353.2K)
      Active TripPoint Temperature 1:        0x00000cd2 (328.2K)
      Active TripPoint Temperature 2:        0x00000aac (273.2K)
      Active TripPoint Temperature 3:        0x00000aac (273.2K)
      Active TripPoint Temperature 4:        0x00000aac (273.2K)
      ThermalStandby TripPoint Temperature:  0x00000000 (0.0K)
      Hibernate TripPoint Temperature:       0x00000000 (0.0K)
      Critical TripPoint Temperature:        0x00000ec6 (378.2K)
    1: kd> !tzinfo 0xffffcd09a8fba080
    ThermalInfo @ 0xffffcd09a8fba080
      Stamp:         0x00000006  Constant1:  0x00000001  Constant2:   0x00000005
      Period:        0x000003e8  ActiveCnt:  0x00000000  MinThrottle: 0x00000000
      OverThrottle:  0x00000000
      Current Temperature:                   0x00000bd6 (303.0K)
      Passive TripPoint Temperature:         0x00000ee4 (381.2K)
      ThermalStandby TripPoint Temperature:  0x00000000 (0.0K)
      Hibernate TripPoint Temperature:       0x00000000 (0.0K)
      Critical TripPoint Temperature:        0x00000ec6 (378.2K)
    We can see that your motherboard BIOS can be updated:
    Current BIOS: Version 1602
    New BIOS available: Version 2103

    I therefore suggest you update the BIOS to see if it will improve things.

    In your event log you have many, many errors relating to the Intel Energy Checker service. I suggest you remove this while troubleshooting.
      My Computers


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