Please post this zip: BSOD - Posting Instructions - Windows 10 Forums
And please post a one drive or drop box share link with this file: C:\Windows\MEMORY.DMP
If possible please run:
to check the health,
scan for errors, no quick scan but full scan
run a benchmark.
It may take some time, but please take the time you need to perform it properly.
When above is done please make screenshots of the following
the health,
the error scan,
the benchmark incl. following
transfer rate,
access time,
burst rate,
cpu usage.
Take Screenshot in Windows 10 Windows 10 General Tips Tutorials
When the drive is working in the other computer open administrative command prompt and type or copy and paste:
1) sfc /scannow
2) dism /online /cleanup -image /restorehealth
3) chkdsk /scan
4) When these have completed > right click on the top bar or title bar of the administrative command prompt box > left click on edit then select all > right click on the top bar again > left click on edit then copy > paste into the thread
5) diskpart
6) list disk
7) select disk 0
8) list volume
9) select volume 3 (or the volume that is fat 32 and system) (let us know if the fat 32 is not the system)
10) list partition
11) exit
12) When these have completed > right click on the top bar or title bar of the administrative command prompt box > left click on edit then select all > right click on the top bar again > left click on edit then copy > paste into the thread
Open disk management > expand each column so that the contents of each row are in full view > using snipping tool to post an image into the thread.
Last edited by zbook; 06 Sep 2017 at 23:07.