BSOD irql_not_less_or_equal randomly (gaming, watching potplayer)
Hi, this is actually a new desktop - I just got it 2 days ago, worked fine the first day - but then yesterday I got the BSOD irql_not_less_or_equal 3-4 times in a row, thought it was a bad Win10 installation so ended up reinstalling it.
Then today worked fine all day, up till the evening when after playing a game for about 1hr I got the same BSOD error whilst I was updating steam. I then got another BSOD later tonight whilst watching a movie on potplayer - whilst downloading a game on steam.
After Win10 fresh install earlier today I installed AMD drivers + nvidia + windows 10 updates (there were none, just the malicious software tool update for August) + ran snappy driver and installed what it downloaded. I have installed all drivers from MSI website for my mobo (MSI B350M gaming pro).
I've attached my required info. Please let me know if you can figure out a fix, I haven't even had this pc for 3 days and already so many problems