BSOD: DPC Watch Dog Violation while watching Youtube videos

  1. Posts : 1
    Windows 10 Education

    BSOD: DPC Watch Dog Violation while watching Youtube videos

    Hi, I've been getting this BSOD while watching youtube videos. The same thing hasn't happened while in another video platform.

    Here you can find the attached dump files.

    Thank your very much if anyone tries helping me. I'm very lost, I've tried updating all drivers with an automatic tool such as SnailDriver.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 5,170
    64bit Win 10 Pro ver 21H2

    There have been a number of similar cases - they all involve ASUS laptops and the BSOD is a result of Windows updating the Wireless Network driver rtwlane.sys.

    The solution is to rollback the driver to an earlier version from 2016. You can do this in Device Manager.

    Refer to this thread for more details: BSOD Watchdog Violation everytime I try to to watch a video on youtube

    Please do not use an automatic driver updater - they cause more trouble than they are worth. I would try to undo anything that it has done to your system if possible.
      My Computers


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