Screen freezes randomly

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  1. Posts : 16
    Microsoft Windows 10 Pro 64 bits 15063

    Screen freezes randomly


    Since some months ago iīm getting random freezes no matter what im doing in the pc, playing, browsing the web or even when the pc is idle.
    I havenīt done any hadware changes except the graphics card that i upgraded a week ago, this didnīt change anything because i still getting the freezes.
    I runned WhoCrashed but it doesnīt give me any info cause the freezes donīt generate a dump.
    I would appreciate it if you could help me troubleshoot the problem.
    Thanks in advance.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 14,904
    Windows 10 Pro

    Diagnostic Test


    warning   Warning
    Please make a backup of your important files and get your rescue media or create one.
    Please create a restore point.

    Please follow this tutorial to run driver verifier.

    Driver verifier stresses your drivers and will crash your pc if any driver fails due to a violation.

    Driver verifier should be performed for a max of 48 hours, or when you have a bluescreen, whatever comes first.

    If driver verifier has found a violation and you can't get back into windows normally, try to boot into safe mode and reset in safe mode driver verifier, or in the troubleshooting options open command prompt and type verifier /reset.

    Note   Note
    Your system will act very sluggishly while driver verifier is enabled, this is normal as your drivers will be being subjected to heavy testing in order to make them crash.

    Please fill in your system specs
    Please follow this tutorial and download the tool. The tool will give you detailed information about your system specs, please fill in your system specs more completely including PSU, cooling and other used stuff like mouse, keyboard, monitor, case, etc.
    The PSU, cooling and other stuff are NOT mentioned in the tool.

    In the left corner below in your post you find 'My System Specs'. After clicking it you can find a link a little below that says 'Update your System Spec', click on this link to get to the page where you can fill in your system specs.

      My Computers

  3. Posts : 16
    Microsoft Windows 10 Pro 64 bits 15063
    Thread Starter

    So i have to let it running for 48h or wait until the crash happens, then if a freeze comes up what i have to do? Or if no crash detected is the test passed?
    Thanks in advance.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 16
    Microsoft Windows 10 Pro 64 bits 15063
    Thread Starter

    Well It have been running for 10 hours but now a freeze has ocurred and its not bsod, what should i do now?
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 14,904
    Windows 10 Pro

    Reboot the system and continue with driver verifier.

    If you have anything overclocked, it is suggested to revert it back as it will cause problems while the system has stability problems.
      My Computers

  6. Posts : 16
    Microsoft Windows 10 Pro 64 bits 15063
    Thread Starter

    axe0 said:
    Reboot the system and continue with driver verifier.

    If you have anything overclocked, it is suggested to revert it back as it will cause problems while the system has stability problems.
    Okay thanks.
    No i have nothing overclocked.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 14,904
    Windows 10 Pro

    Make sure to fill in your specs, we'll need it.
      My Computers

  8. Posts : 16
    Microsoft Windows 10 Pro 64 bits 15063
    Thread Starter

    Another freeze at 37 hours of running the test, no bsod, no dump, no error message.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 14,904
    Windows 10 Pro

    Boot into safe mode and see if a freeze occurs in safe mode.
    If a freeze occurs in safe mode, it is not related to any program installed or the GPU, so we can narrow it down to hardware and BIOS.
      My Computers

  10. Posts : 16
    Microsoft Windows 10 Pro 64 bits 15063
    Thread Starter

    Should i stop the driver test?
      My Computer


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