BSOD after 15 min idling (following boot). DPC_WATCHDOG_VIOLATION 133

  1. Posts : 3
    Windows 10

    BSOD after 15 min idling (following boot). DPC_WATCHDOG_VIOLATION 133


    So I just bought a brand new HP spectre, installed few softwares like CCleaner, Speccy... And randomly get BSOD 10 or 15 min after booting (btw booting takes some time , about 1min ((for an SSD that's quite long isn't it ?))). I noticed that it can take up to 30 min to crash when wifi is off, but it rapidly crashes when I'm actively using an internet browser, for example.

    I updated some stuff, like BIOS or graphic card but at this point I'm lost. I even had troubles to use the log collector since I got BSOD during the process.
    Here's the log : Attachment 145121

    Thank you.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 14,904
    Windows 10 Pro

    Hi FigLt,

    Please uninstall everything of Nvidia using Display Driver Uninstaller and install new drivers from HP. Be sure the clean install box is checked and only install the Graphics driver and the PhysX driver, you can use this tutorial for the installation part NVIDIA Drivers - Avoid Problems - Windows 7 Help Forums
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 3
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    Hello axe0,
    Thank you for answering quickly.
    This seems to work now. I'm downloading the last windows updates and then I will be able to test its stability. Hopefully everything will work like a charm.

      My Computer


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