RED DOT CRASH After 5-10 minuets of gameplay - have to hard reset
First post, hope my title was clear enough,
I was conflicted wither to post this in the gaming section or here, since I originally got bsod errors with ths problem I'll post them here
PC Specs
Attachment 97559
CPU -Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770K CPU @ 3.50GH
GPU - GTX 650 Ti
Motherboard - H61M-DGS
OS - windows 10
- The game I was playing was injustice gods among us, I have uni stalled and reinstalled the game 3 times, lowered the settings, still get crash 5 - 10 minuets
- I tried other games the same problem still occurs with the 5 - 10 minuet mar approx
- this is on my second clean install - so I don't think it is a hardware problem,
Long story short, I use to get driver has failed error massages, when I play a game for 5 - 10 minuets
I Use a Dual monitor set up, 1 VGA and 1 HDMI threw the graphics card, changed the cable of the monitors same problem persists.
when i installed drivers i used clean install + download drivers from NVIDIA website, I tried using geforce experience to latest drivers still get same crash
So first I used the DDU method threw safe mode of uninstall and reinstalling the latest drivers, then windows update for other drivers
Next I Clean installed a previous driver, same massage appeared again, some times the PC would freeze up with red like patterns on screen.
did ddu method again, but this time updated graphics drivers threw windows update, and use them, same problem happened
At these phase I did these two steps interchangeable around about 5-6 times if i recall, now I seemingly don't get drivers failed, just a flash of red dots around the 5 - 10 minuet mark aprox, if am lucky only the game will stop and I can exit threw pressing start tab and using task manger to close game.
If am not PC freeze up - then it is a hard rest for me
- At this point threw countless forum prowling I found that maybe its the temps,
so I used msi afterburner, fan control and under clocked my card , then played the game, same crash happens, did this quite abit to see if it was wrong settings, even put the fan to max while playing same crash happens within that specific
10 - 5 minuet mark.
I uninstalled msi after burner
And use Speed-fan to grab Pc temps.
I given examples of temps before and after I play game
Attachment 97547Attachment 97548
Example of pc specs on BiOS
Attachment 97556
PC Voltage
Attachment 97557
I change the fan settings from full On to automatic and back again, still get crashing.
Attachment 97558
Hope I can get some insight into this problem.