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  1. Posts : 92


    any one having bsod after anniversary update. Microsoft edg don't work right games well crash or freeze and then bsod.

    . at first I was thinking it was the new asus gtx1070 I got doing it so I took it back and got a replacement, still the same thing
    Last edited by ocir; 15 Aug 2016 at 00:08.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 14,904
    Windows 10 Pro

    Hi ocir,

    Welcome to the 10forums :)

    Did you seat the GPU in a different slot?

    Diagnostic Test


    Run MemTest86+ to analyse your RAM. MemTest86+ - Test RAM - Windows 10 Forums

    Note   Note

    MemTest86+ needs to be run for at least 8 complete passes for conclusive results. Set it running before you go to bed and leave it overnight. We're looking for zero errors here. Even a single error will indicate RAM failure.

    Make a photo of the result and post it.

    If errors show up you can stop the test, remove all sticks but 1 and test this single stick in each slot for 8 passes or until errors show, switch sticks and repeat.
    If errors show up and you see them a lot later, no problem, the errors don't affect the test.

    Please fill in your system specs
    Please follow this tutorial and download the tool. The tool will give you detailed information about your system specs, please fill in your system specs more completely including PSU, cooling and other used stuff like mouse, keyboard, monitor, case, etc.
    The PSU, cooling and other stuff are NOT mentioned in the tool.
    How to fill in your system specs:

      My Computers

  3. Posts : 92
    Thread Starter

    windows 10 anniversary update

    Attachment 98464
    getting bsod after the update. playing games
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 14,904
    Windows 10 Pro

    Please answer my question.
      My Computers

  5. Posts : 92
    Thread Starter

    no the same slot
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 14,904
    Windows 10 Pro

    Did you run MemTest86+?

    A quick look shows that the Nvidia drivers cause trouble, please seat the GPU into a different slot and cleanly install the display drivers per below instructions.

    Please uninstall everything of Nvidia using Display Driver Uninstaller and install new drivers from Nvidia. Be sure the clean install box is checked and only install the Graphics driver and the PhysX driver, you can use this tutorial for the installation part NVIDIA Drivers - Avoid Problems - Windows 7 Help Forums
    Attachment 98479
     # Child-SP          RetAddr           Call Site
    00 ffffdb00`f13d5f58 00000000`00000000 nvlddmkm+0x2f0d32
    Bugcheck code 1000007F
    Arguments 00000000`00000008 ffffdb00`f0bfab30 ffffdb00`f13d5f58 fffff809`fb0e0d32
    Debug session time: Sat Aug 27 06:12:57.139 2016 (UTC + 2:00)
    System Uptime: 0 days 0:26:39.888
    3: kd> lmvm nvlddmkm
    Browse full module list
    start             end                 module name
    fffff809`fadf0000 fffff809`fbb41000   nvlddmkm T (no symbols)           
        Loaded symbol image file: nvlddmkm.sys
        Image path: nvlddmkm.sys
        Image name: nvlddmkm.sys
        Browse all global symbols  functions  data
        Timestamp:        Mon Jul 11 00:20:31 2016 (5782CA2F)
        CheckSum:         00D0B030
        ImageSize:        00D51000
        Translations:     0000.04b0 0000.04e4 0409.04b0 0409.04e4
      My Computers

  7. Posts : 92
    Thread Starter

    I try to run mem test I save it to a usb
    I go to bios and set removable device as first boot
    but it keeps telling me to select a boot device and restart
    do I need to use a new usb.? I reformat the old one every time
    I well try the pcie 2 slot next
    I never had this issue before the anniversary update
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 14,904
    Windows 10 Pro

    You need to choose the USB in the boot options, the boot order doesn't need to be changed
      My Computers

  9. Posts : 92
    Thread Starter

    it dose not show usb as a boot option
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 14,904
    Windows 10 Pro

    Load the optimal default options in the BIOS and try it again.
      My Computers


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