BSOD. (kernel security check failure, irql_not_less_or_equal) etc
First and foremost, hey guys, what's up. I can't seem to resolve this issue, I hope you guys can help me. Thanks. I recently installed the A10-7890k apu in my desktop, (I previously had a4 6300 apu in there), and ever since then I keep getting these bsods while I'm idling or doing simple tasks. (doesn't seem to ever crash while I'm playing overwatch) I tried a clean install of the the display drivers, i even tried a fresh windows install twice, and nothing. I did a sfc /scannow, i used the windows memory diagnostics tool, nothing. The memory tests says everything is fine. Anyways, attached is the dump file. Again, thanks guys.
Motherboard: Gygabyte F2A55M- S1
CPU: AMD A10-7890k
RAM: A - DATA XPG v1.0 4gb ddr3-1600 x2
Western Digital Caviar Blue 160GB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive
Raidmax Cobra 400W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply
edit: I also get APC_index_mismatch
Last edited by Lou1418; 26 Jul 2016 at 16:00.