I actually have tried all of the recommendations from the text you pasted above. Yesterday I updated all of the drivers that were on MSI's website, including the Intel management driver. I downloaded it again this morning and reinstalled it just to be sure though. As for the Kaspersky drivers, I looked and looked online to try and figure out how to update the drivers and it just kept taking me back to the update utility in the software. Kaspersky says everything is up to date. I have also uninstalled Kaspersky 3-4 times to make sure it wasn't the cause, and my computer crashed just as often even if I had it uninstalled (with the removal tool, not just Windows uninstall). If you know how to manually update the drivers, please let me know.
If it is my CPU, and the Intel Processor Diagnosis Tool doesn't find anything wrong, will I be able to send it back to Intel. I really don't want to purchase another $300 CPU just to find out it wasn't the cause obviously.
I attached an updated log collector file. There are a few more crashes in there. Thanks!