PC freezes regularly, soon after startup.

  1. Posts : 6
    Windows 10 Pro

    PC freezes regularly, soon after startup.


    This forum helped before with a BSOD I was experiencing. It turned out that my Logitech mouse drivers needed updating.
    Now the same computer has another problem. The screen freezes regularly, soon after startup. There is no BSOD, the screen just freezes, i.e. the second hand on the desktop clock stops, I can see what I was working on at the time and the PC must be forcably restarted.
    The PC is an ASUS G73-JW. It is running Windows 10.
    Removing the power cable, then removing the battery for a minute, and then returning both gives several hours of uninteruption but the freezes have always returned eventually.
      My Computer

  2. Arc
    Posts : 1,626
    Microsoft Windows 10 Home

    That very logitech driver is still too old for Windows 10.
              31/05/2013 00:15:44    C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\LGSUsbFilt.Sys 
    It can be assumed easily that the drivers prior to windows 10 will not work properly with windows 10.

    Apparently your computer does not officially support Windows 10. .

    Before anything else, please let us know how you got the drivers? What is the source of the drivers that you have installed?
      My Computer


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